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The database modules are structured as follows:

  • lib-database-entities contains POJO entity objects which are persisted to and from the database. These objects have @UmEntity and related annotations (roughly analagous to Room Persistence Framework annotations).
  • lib-database-annotation contains only annotation classes. These annotations are used to generate platform specific implementations.
  • lib-database contains the Database (annotated with @UmDatabase) and DAO (annotated with @UmDao) classes. core annotation processor runs over this module to generate platform specific implementations. The generated platform-specific implementation code is output into platform specific modules (e.g. lib-database-android)
  • lib-database-android contains the processed entities generated by lib-database-entity-processor and the Room Persistence Framework DAO and Database classes generated by the core annotation processor.
  • lib-database-jdbc contains JDBC helper classes for the JDBC implementation.
  • lib-database-annotation-processor-core the core annotation processor runs over the lib-database projects and generates the required Database and DAO class implementations for that each platform, and places the generated sources into a platform specific module.

Any module using lib-database must either depend on lib-database-entities or include a processed version of those classes with identical public classes and methods.

Notes for migrating:

When renaming or dropping a column in sqlite, make sure to drop the old table after inserts and then create the index. Example below

database.execSQL("ALTER TABLE ClazzMember RENAME to ClazzMember_OLD") database.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ClazzMember (clazzMemberUid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, clazzMemberPersonUid INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, clazzMemberClazzUid INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, clazzMemberDateJoined INTEGER NOT NULL, clazzMemberDateLeft INTEGER NOT NULL, clazzMemberRole INTEGER NOT NULL, clazzMemberAttendancePercentage REAL NOT NULL, clazzMemberActive INTEGER NOT NULL, clazzMemberLocalChangeSeqNum INTEGER NOT NULL, clazzMemberMasterChangeSeqNum INTEGER NOT NULL, clazzMemberLastChangedBy INTEGER NOT NULL)") database.execSQL("INSERT INTO ClazzMember (clazzMemberUid, clazzMemberPersonUid, clazzMemberClazzUid, clazzMemberDateJoined, clazzMemberDateLeft, clazzMemberRole, clazzMemberAttendancePercentage, clazzMemberActive, clazzMemberLocalChangeSeqNum, clazzMemberMasterChangeSeqNum, clazzMemberLastChangedBy) SELECT clazzMemberUid, clazzMemberPersonUid, clazzMemberClazzUid, dateJoined, dateLeft, role, clazzMemberAttendancePercentage, clazzMemberActive, clazzMemberLocalChangeSeqNum, clazzMemberMasterChangeSeqNum, clazzMemberLastChangedBy FROM ClazzMember_OLD") database.execSQL("DROP TABLE ClazzMember_OLD")

database.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index_ClazzMember_clazzMemberPersonUid ON ClazzMember (clazzMemberPersonUid)") database.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index_ClazzMember_clazzMemberClazzUid ON ClazzMember (clazzMemberClazzUid)") database.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ClazzMember_trk (pk INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, epk INTEGER NOT NULL, clientId INTEGER NOT NULL, csn INTEGER NOT NULL, rx INTEGER NOT NULL, reqId INTEGER NOT NULL, ts INTEGER NOT NULL)") database.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index_ClazzMember_trk_clientId_epk_rx_csn ON ClazzMember_trk (clientId, epk, rx, csn)")

Replacing DataSource.Factory with DoorDataSourceFactory

find ./lib-database/src/commonMain/ -name \*.kt -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/ DataSource.Factory/ DoorDataSource.Factory/g'
find ./lib-database/src/commonMain/ -name \*.kt -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/import androidx.paging.DataSource/import com.ustadmobile.door.DoorDataSource/g'

find ./core/ -name \*.kt -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/ DataSource.Factory/ DoorDataSourceFactory/g'
find ./core/ -name \*.kt -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/import androidx.paging.DataSource/import com.ustadmobile.door.DoorDataSourceFactory/g'