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Judge0-setup-on-AWS Step-by-Step guide

  • Create AWS account with email etc and credit card details as root user

  • Login into your account

  • From top-right corner username drop-down click on Your AWS Console

  • In AWS services click on EC2 which will redirect us to EC2 Management Dashboard

  • On the side-navbar open drop-down list of Instances and open Instances option from there

  • Enter a name for the instance

  • In Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image) click on Quick Start tab and choose Ubuntu machine

  • Choose an instance type (recommended is t2.medium)

  • In key-pair (login) tab click on Create new key pair which will redirect to key-pair generation form

  • Fill a key-pair name choose key-pair type as RSA and Private key file format can be chosen as .pem

  • Clicking on Create key pair will download a .pem file

  • In Network settings tick all square boxes namely Allow SSH traffic from (choose Anywhere from the dropdown), Allow HTTPs traffic from the internet, Allow HTTP traffic from the internet

  • In Configuration Storage choose volume (recommended 32GiB) gp2 root volume

  • Advanced details should be kept as it is

  • Click on Launch instance

  • After successful launch click on View All Instances and refresh the page to see you new instance

  • Wait for some time for the Status check to show 2/2 checks passed or refresh after some time

  • Click on instance id and then click on Connect which redirects to Connect to instance section

  • Click on SSH client tab

  • Open Ubuntu terminal and jump into the directory where private key file(.pem file) is present (by default in Downloads folder)

  • Copy and run the command similar to chmod 400 <private key file name> from the SSH client tab section

  • Copy the command similar to this ssh -i <private key filename> ubuntu@ec2-<some-ip-address>

  • Copy the command similar to this "ssh -i". Add sudo before ssh to make it sudo ssh -i <private key filename> ubuntu@ec2-<some-ip-address> to avoid any permissions issue

  • Now you are connected to the machine whose Ip address would be visible on Ubuntu terminal

    Run the following commands to setup Docker

    • sudo apt update

    • sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common

    • curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -

    • sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64]

    • focal stable"

    • apt-cache policy docker-ce

    • sudo apt install docker-ce

    • sudo systemctl status docker

    • sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}

    • sudo docker ps

    • sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock

    • docker ps

    • sudo systemctl status docker

    • mkdir -p ~/.docker/cli-plugins/

    • curl -SL -o ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose

    • chmod +x ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose

    • docker compose version

    • cd ~/.docker/cli-plugins

    Run the following commands to setup Judge0

    • wget

    • sudo apt install unzip

    • unzip

    • cd judge0-v1.13.0-https/

    • nano docker-compose.yml

    • Edit using arrow keys the virtual_host as the ip-address (shown in Views instances in aws under Public IP v4 address ), letsancrypt_host also with the same ip-address and an email id under letsencrypt-email

    • Enter Ctrl+O then ENTER then Ctrl+X

    • sudo apt install docker-compose

    • docker-compose up -d db redis

    • sleep 10s

    • docker-compose up -d

    • sleep 5s

Whoa!!! your setup is done

Use the ip-address instead of judge0 to get the desired results or check with some get request at the ip-address/system_info


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