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Periodic Table

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Interactive Periodic Table component written in Svelte.

Screenshot of periodic table


Below a screenshot demonstrating the periodicity of elemental properties, i.e. why the periodic table is called periodic. In this case its showing recurring bumps and valleys in the first ionization energy as a function of atomic number.

Screenshot of periodic table heatmap


Copy the src/lib/ folder into your Svelte project and import the PeriodicTable component:

  import PeriodicTable from 'src/components/PeriodicTable.svelte'

<PeriodicTable />


  1. Element properties in src/lib/periodic-table-data.ts were combined from Bowserinator/Periodic-Table-JSON under Creative Commons license and robertwb/Periodic Table of Elements.csv (unlicensed).
  2. Thanks to Images of Elements for providing photos of elemental crystals and glowing excited gases.
  3. Thanks to @kadinzhang and their Periodicity project [code] for the idea to inset a scatter plot into the periodic nature of elemental properties.