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Chris Pawley edited this page Dec 15, 2017 · 13 revisions

This area of the sector file contains the definition for dynamic sector boundaries (SECTORLINE definitions) and static sector boundaries.

File Structure

Dynamic sector boundaries are contained within the \Sectors folder. These are generally named Lines - {Unit}.txt

These files define the borders of different sectors, giving them a name to call up in the sector ownership files.

Static sector boundaries are defined in Sector\Static\{Unit}\{Sector}.txt These allow user to draw permanent depictions of a specific sector and are generally used to aid drawing sector diagrams.

Dynamic sector boundaries will be called up in the [SECTORLINE] section of the .ese file.

Static boundaries are defined in the [SIDSSTARS] section of the sector file.

Data Format (Dynamic)

Dynamic Boundaries follow the format given by the EuroScope SECTORLINE defintion.

The interactions of the different parts of the SECTORLINE definition are described on the EuroScope Wiki

Data Format (Static)

The static boundaries should be defined using the old GEO format, commenting each line with the associated dynamic boundary, making an update easier to apply in the future, as given in the example below.

                         Scottish AC East           S999.00.00.000 E999.00.00.000 S999.00.00.000 E999.00.00.000
                                                    N059.20.00.000 W010.00.00.000 N060.30.00.000 W010.00.00.000 ;Heb_EGGX  
                                                    N060.30.00.000 W010.00.00.000 N061.00.00.000 W007.00.00.000 ;Heb_BIRD Del Inner  
                                                    N061.00.00.000 W007.00.00.000 N061.00.00.000 W005.30.00.000 ;Heb_BIRD  
                                                    N061.00.00.000 W005.30.00.000 N061.00.00.000 W000.00.00.000 ;Mor_BIRD  
                                                    N061.00.00.000 E000.00.00.000 N059.59.31.000 E000.00.54.000 ;Mor_ENSV