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SVPV Plot Windows

Jacob Munro edited this page Jan 18, 2017 · 15 revisions

Plot Window Types

  • Continuous windows display a single region. Read depth, insert mapping distance and alignments stats are shown at the same scale.

  • Zoom windows also display a single region, however only the depth track is presented for the entire region. Insert mapping distance and alignment stats are shown in Zoomed windows around the breakpoints.

  • Split windows display two regions side by side, the same as Continuous.

Plot Windows of Different SV types


  • The default window length is 3 times the length of the SV. This is controlled by the parameter exp (with default value of 1 meaning 1 times SV length added to either side). The read depth will be shown for the entirety of this window in all cases.
  • If the length of this window is larger than bkpt_win x rd_len, then the SV will be plotted with a Zoom window rather than a Continuous window.
  • Zoom windows show the insert mapping distance and alignments stats centred at the breakpoints with window size defined by bkpt_win x rd_len.
  • The smallest Continuous window size that will be presented is equal to bkpt_win x rd_len.


Insertions are presented using a Continuous window of size bkpt_win x rd_len.


Translocations are presented using a Split window, with each window of size bkpt_win x rd_len.

Default Values of Relevant Parameters

Parameter Default Description
rd_len 100 The read length of the sequencing platform
exp 1 Expansion around SVs to define the plot window
bkpt_win 5 Number of read lengths to set windows around breakpoints