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The Log behavior for models

This behavior provides standartized loggin functionality for models


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist veksoftware/yii2-log-behavior "*"

or add

"veksoftware/yii2-log-behavior": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


There are two concepts of using of this extension. First one is just simple logging of normal ActiveRecord inherited models, while another one is the extended model MultipleActiveRecord with multiple saving capabilities.

ActiveRecord logging

You need to create two DB tables (and two models respectively), for example table and table_log. First one is the base table, while another one is the logging table. The base table optionally may conatin version field of type BIGINT (int8) (the name can be specified througth the config) which works for optimistic lock functianality, i.e. to prevent updating the record by outdated data in the multisession process. Also there must be a field where the time of setting current state is stored. By default it is atime. In the log table you need provide the following field:

  1. id
  2. doc_id foreign linked to the id of table;
  3. changed_attributes to store the fields differing from the previos state;
  4. atime must exist;
  5. changed_by the user ID who is responsible for change of the state;
  6. fields to log

In the base model Table you need to attach the Log behavior and set it up.

   public function behaviors()
        return [
            'log' => [
                'class' => \log\bahaviors\Log::className(),
                'logClass' => TableLog::className(), // class for Log model
                'timeField' => 'atime',
                'changedAttributesField' => 'changed_attributes',
                'changedByField' => 'changed_by',
                'versionField' => 'version',
                'logAttributes' => [ // fields to log

If you use version control (versionField is not empty) you also have to add this field into your view:

<?= $form->field($model, 'version')->hiddenInput()->label(false) ?>

Validators required no special changes since they are updated automatically by the log behavior.

That's all. All time you save your model the log behavior will be called and insert a log row into the appropriate table. If updating record is impossible due to outdated data yii\db\StaleObjectException will raise.


#Notice In current version saveMultiple supports only PostgreSql

To save an array of models in one query you need to use log\base\MultipleActiveRecrod class as a parent of your model. Than you can use saveMultiple() method. Do it in the following way.


namespace app\models;

use log\base\MultipleActiveRecord;

class Table extends MultipleActiveRecord
     * The method is called before saving starts.
     * Right here you can put some checks of all batch of models
    public static function toSaveMultiple()
      // false cancels saving
      return parent::toSaveMultiple();

     * The method is called for each instance of the models.
     * Right here you can make model related checks and prepare data for saving.
    public function beforeSaveMultiple($insert)
        // Do whatever you want before saving each model instance
        // false cancels saving all tha batch
        return parent::beforeSaveMultiple($insert);

     * The method is called for each instance after saving the main batch of models by saveMultiple.
     * Right here you can queue saving of the related models
    public function afterSaveMultiple($insert, $changedAttributes)
        // Related tables saving trough a queue
        parent::afterSaveMultiple($insert, $changedAttributes);

     * The method is called in the final stage of saveMultiple.
     * Right here you can finish saving all related records queued above.
    public static function savedMultiple()
        $res = TableProps::saveMultiple();
        if (!$res) {
            throw new ErrorException('Error occurred on save Item properties.');

So, you can add models for saving into the queue by Table::addSaveMultiple($models) and save them by Table::saveMultiple().

Loggin data in saveMultiple()

As you want to use logging in saveMultiple() operations, you just need to use MultipleLog behavior instead of Log. All settings remain the same.


Behavior for logging changes to a model







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