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85 lines (65 loc) · 3.18 KB

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   .. |gh-src| image:: /_static/logos/GitHub-Mark-32px.png
               :scale: 40
               :alt: Source Code on GitHub
   .. |gh-tb| image:: /_static/logos/GitHub-Mark-32px.png
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               :alt: Source Code on GitHub

   .. sidebar:: GitHub Links

      * |gh-src| :pocsrc:`Sourcecode <io/ddrio/ddrio_inout.vhdl>`
      * |gh-tb| :poctb:`Testbench <io/ddrio/ddrio_inout_tb.vhdl>`

Instantiates chip-specific :abbr:`DDR (Double Data Rate)` input and output registers.

Both data DataOut_high/low as well as OutputEnable are sampled with the rising_edge(Clock) from the on-chip logic. DataOut_high is brought out with this rising edge. DataOut_low is brought out with the falling edge.

OutputEnable (Tri-State) is high-active. It is automatically inverted if necessary. Output is disabled after power-up.

Both data DataIn_high/low are synchronously outputted to the on-chip logic with the rising edge of Clock. DataIn_high is the value at the Pad sampled with the same rising edge. DataIn_low is the value sampled with the falling edge directly before this rising edge. Thus sampling starts with the falling edge of the clock as depicted in the following waveform.

.. wavedrom::

   { signal: [
       {name: 'ClockOut',        wave: 'LH.L.H.L.H.L.H.L.H.L.H.'},
       {name: 'ClockOutEnable',  wave: '0..1...................'},
       {name: 'OutputEnable',    wave: '0.......1.......0......'},
       {name: 'DataOut_low',     wave: 'x.......2...4...x......', data: ['4',      '6'],      node: '........k...m...o..'},
       {name: 'DataOut_high',    wave: 'x.......3...5...x......', data: ['5',      '7'],      node: '........l...n...p..'}
       {name: 'Pad',             wave: 'x2.3.4.5.z...', data: ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'], node: '.a.b.c.d.....e.f.g.h.'},
       {name: 'ClockIn',         wave: 'L.H.L.H.L.H.L.H.L.H.L.H'},
       {name: 'ClockInEnable',   wave: '01.......0.............'},
       {name: 'DataIn_low',      wave: 'x.....2...4...z...2...4', data: ['0',      '2',      '4'],      node: '......u...w.......y..'},
       {name: 'DataIn_high',     wave: 'x.....3...5...z...3...5', data: ['1',      '3',      '5'],      node: '......v...x.......z..'}
     edge: ['a~>u', 'b~>v', 'c~>w', 'd~>x', 'k~>e', 'l~>f', 'm~>g', 'n~>h', 'e~>y', 'f~>z'],
     foot: {
       text: ['tspan',
         ['tspan', {'font-weight': 'bold'}, ''],
         ' -- DDR Data Input/Output sampled from pad.'

Pad must be connected to a PAD because FPGAs only have these registers in IOBs.

Entity Declaration:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../../src/io/ddrio/ddrio_inout.vhdl
   :language: vhdl
   :tab-width: 2
   :lines: 89-107

.. only:: latex

   Source file: :pocsrc:`io/ddrio/ddrio_inout.vhdl <io/ddrio/ddrio_inout.vhdl>`