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1.0.3 (2021-03-29)

API spec changes

  • Filter parameter betrokkeneIdentificatie__vestiging__identificatie on rol_list operation was corrected to betrokkeneIdentificatie__organisatorischeEenheid__identificatie

  • Added missing audittrail headers on some operations:

    • X-Audit-Toelichting
  • Renamed X-NLX-Request-Application-Id header to X-NLX-Logrecord-ID.

    The previously documented headers were never emitted by NLX and specified at a time when this was not clear yet.

  • Dropped the X-NLX-Request-User-Id header - is was never emitted by NLX. You should use the user_id claim in the JWT instead.

  • Added missing rol__betrokkeneIdentificatie__organisatorischeEenheid__identificatie filter to zaak_list operation

  • Added nullable: true attributes to some resources. The behaviour of the API was already accepting null, however the API schema did not reflect this:

    • rol.betrokkeneIdentificatie.verblijfsadres
    • rol.betrokkeneIdentificatie.subVerblijfBuitenland
    • zaakobject.objectIdentificatie.adresAanduidingGrp
    • zaakobject.objectIdentificatie.isGehuisvestIn
    • zaakobject.objectIdentificatie.aanduidingWozObject
  • Dropped some title attributes that were generated from code rather than human-readable labels.

Implementation changes

  • Upgraded libraries:
    • Django
    • djangorestframework
    • djangorestframework-camel-case
    • drf-nested-routers
    • drf-yasg
    • vng-api-common

1.0.2 (2020-06-13)

API spec changes

  • Add zaken.geforceerd-bijwerken scope to allow fixing of data related to a closed Zaak (Issue 1537)
  • Fix documentation references in API schema description (Issue 1552)
  • Add maximaleVertrouwelijkheidaanduiding filter parameter on Zaken endpoint (PR 1624)
  • Add filter parameters on Zaken endpoint to support werkvoorraad (PR 1625):
    • rol__betrokkeneType
    • rol__betrokkene
    • rol__omschrijvingGeneriek
    • rol__betrokkeneIdentificatie__natuurlijkPersoon__inpBsn
    • rol__betrokkeneIdentificatie__medewerker__identificatie

Implementation changes

  • If a Zaak is closed, data mutations to it are now blocked (unless zaken.geforceerd-bijwerken is used). Also extends to related objects (Issue 1537):
    • ZaakInformatieObject
    • ZaakObject
    • Resultaat
    • KlantContact
    • Status
    • ZaakEigenschap
    • Rol
    • ZaakBesluit

1.0.1 (2019-12-16)

API spec bugfix release. There are some fixes and clarifications in the API spec compared to 1.0.0. Additionally, some bugfixes without effect on the API spec have been carried out.

API spec changes

  • Fix Zaak validations documentation:
    • Zaak.zaaktype is immutable
    • Zaak.zaaktype is validated against ZTC API spec on zaak_create
  • Fix ZaakEigenschap validations documentation:
    • ZaakEigenschap.eigenschap must be a ZTC Eigenschap resource
    • ZaakEigenschap.eigenschap must belong to ZaakEigenschap.zaak.zaaktype

Implementation changes

  • Updated reference (commit hash) to ZTC API spec to use
  • Validate uniqueness of Status.zaak and Status.datumStatusGezet
  • Cache the API spec
  • ZaakObject.object validation calls now make authenticated calls (#133)
  • Implemented brondatum determination for:
    • afleidingswijze gerelateerde_zaak
    • afleidingswijze vervaldatum_besluit

1.0.0 final (2019-11-18)

tada:Final 1.0.0 API spec release

1.0.0-rc2 fixes (2019-11-04)

Bugfixes in second release candidate

  • Added missing query parameters to ZaakObject list
  • Added KlantContact.zaak query parameter
  • Added inline references to Zaak.eigenschappen
  • Fixes to GegevensGroep schema's, as they may often be null

Breaking changes

  • Zaak.zaaktype must now be published (validation added)

1.0.0-rc2 (2019-09-19)

Second release candidate.

A number of defects were found, so this contains a couple of breaking changes.

  • Documented some fields being null when they're empty/unset:
    • Zaak.einddatum
    • Zaak.status
    • Zaak.resultaat
  • Added documentation w/r to notifications to the API spec document itself. For provider implementations: this means you MUST send these notifications.
  • Added two attributes to KlantContact:
    • KlantContact.onderwerp
    • KlantContact.toelichting

Breaking changes

  • Normalized enums to be only lower-cased alpha-numeric strings with underscores:
    • RolNietNatuurlijkPersoon.innRechtsvorm
    • ObjectInrichtingselement.type
    • ObjectKunstwerkdeel.type
    • ObjectWaterdeel.type
  • Pagination added to the following resources (page size 100 by default):
    • Status
    • KlantContact
    • Resultaat
    • Rol
    • ZaakObject
  • Fixed typo in audit trail Wijzigingen schema (was Wijzgingen)

1.0.0-rc1 (2019-07-18)

Release candidate tag

  • Bumped to vng-api-common 1.0.0
  • Bumped version numbers to 1.0.0-rc

0.21.0 (2019-07-15)

Breaking changes release

  • Made enums consistent - everything is snake_case now

0.20.0 (2019-07-11)

Prepare for release candidate

  • Added auth on /api/v1/klantcontacten
  • Build develop branch as well now, so that it can be deployed to a test environment
  • Added indicatieMachtiging attribute
  • Added filters to ZaakObject API
  • Zaak.productenOfDiensten is no longer a required field in the admin
  • Updated to latest drf-yasg and vng-api-common
  • Added management command to update URL references after domain migration
  • Scope zaken.bijwerken also allows you to create ZaakObject and ZaakInformatieObject now

Breaking changes

  • Reworked adres-fields from Betrokkene to Adres model, instead of a text field
  • Made Zaak.identificatie, Zaak.zaaktype and Resultaat.resultaatType immutable

0.19.1 (2019-07-02)

Added a data migration to handle the flattened ZTC urls.

0.19.0 (2019-07-01)

Added support for all kinds of Zaakobjecten.

Following the "Grenzen van het API landschap" design document, the possible RGBZ/RSGB objects that can be related to a Zaak have been implemented.

0.18.2 (2019-06-28)

Fixed a bug in the migrations

0.18.1 (2019-06-28)

Small fixes:

  • Fix changelog version
  • Fix display of version information (git sha was missing)

0.18.0 (2019-06-28)

Third release towards release candidate

  • Included version information in Docker image, which is now displayed in the footer. Version info is the git sha and API version number.
  • Enabled explicit OAS 3.x version test so that no more OAS 2.x is served
  • Bumped to latest vng-api-common
  • If no Zaak.identificatie is given, the generated identification is now more human-readable.
  • Added filter parameters on betrokkeneIdentificatie

Breaking changes

  • Added document validation when closing a Zaak: all documents must be unlocked
  • Renamed identifying fields of Rol.betrokkene
  • Changed Zaak.relevanteAndereZaken from a list of URLs to a list of objects (url + aardRelatie) so that more meta information can be provided.

0.17.0 (2019-06-18)

Second release towards release candidate

  • Added filters to Zaak list endpoint: startdatum variations (equal, greater then, etc.)
  • Added fixture loading to container start script
  • Added more tests
  • Added models for Betrokkene types - see "Grenzen van het API-Landschap"
  • Added polymorphism to Betrokkene serializer
  • Fixed a bug on ZIO deletion w/r to DRC validation
  • Fixed docker image build

Breaking changes

  • Re-enabled validation of ZaakBesluit.besluit. Requires BRC >= 0.11.1

0.16.0 (2019-05-22)

First release towards release candidate

  • Added representation function to all models
  • Fixed fetching relevanteAndereZaken with correct headers
  • Translated API docs
  • Added ZaakBesluit to easily retrieve besluiten from the Zaak object. Relation is created by BRC.
  • Applied fixes to nested GegevensGroep-validation
  • Enabled config view to diagnose problems
  • Bumped to Django 2.2 (LTS)
  • Removed unused dependencies

Breaking changes

  • Moved relation information ZaakInformatieObject to ZRC. Relations are now created here instead of DRC, and are synced from ZRC to DRC. It is now a root resource instead of a subresource.

0.15.0 (2019-05-22)

Authorizations V2 and audittrail release - breaking changes!

  • Reworked authorizations - authorizations are now retrieved from the authorizations component (AC) and need to be configured there. You can use the token tool for this.

  • Authorizations are now more fine-grained, scopes/maximum vertrouwelijkheidaanduiding apply to a zaaktype, which filters data at the source. Only zaken of the zaaktype``s you're authorized for are returned. The same logic applies to related data, such as ``status.

  • Creation of zaken of a zaaktype you are not authorized for is no longer allowed (it results in an HTTP 403).

  • Renamed scopes - the zds.scopes prefix is dropped.

  • Added scope-based protection on resources/operations where they were missing

  • Improved URL-based reference validation

  • Added audittrails - actions are now logged in an audittrail and they can be retrieved for a zaak. Consumers need to/should:

    • include the client_id in the JWT (always needed)
    • include the X-Audit-Toelichting header
    • include the user_id claim in the JWT, or use the X-Nlx-Request-User-Id header, which should uniquely identify the end-user (in combination with the application ID)
    • include the user_representation claim in the JWT for a human-readable representation of the end-user

0.14.0 (2019-04-24)

Cleaned up some loose ends

  • Bumped Jinja2 dep (security release)
  • Improved accessibility in secret management [admin]
  • Added a test case for complexere GeoJSON
  • Implemented re-opening of Zaken & added a new scope

0.13.4 (2019-04-18)

Fixed a bug when setting Zaak.opschorting.indicatie to false

0.13.3 (2019-04-17)

Fixed an issue with duration validation

0.13.2 (2019-04-17)

Default value NRC api root fixed.

0.13.1 (2019-04-16)

Bugfix in brondatum calculations

0.13.0 (2019-04-16)

API-lab release

  • Improved homepage layout, using vng-api-common boilerplate
  • Bumped to latest bugfix release of gemma-zds-client
  • Fixed a bug preventing ZaakInformatieObject being created/deleted

Breaking changes

  • Flattened the kenmerken in notifications sent from a list of objects with one key-value to a single object with multiple key-value pairs. Requires the NC to be at version 0.4.0 or higher.


    "kenmerken": [

    {"key1": "value1"}, {"key2": "value2"},




    "kenmerken": {

    "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2",



  • Zaak.archiefactiedatum is now calculated when the final status is being set, instead of when the Resultaat is created. This effectively changes the order of operations needed:

    1. First, set a Resultaat on a Zaak
    2. Then, create an end-status for a Zaak to close the Zaak

    A Zaak cannot be closed if no Resultaat has been set.

  • It is now no longer possible to modify a closed Zaak, unless you include the appropriate scope (SCOPE_ZAKEN_GEFORCEERD_BIJWERKEN).

0.12.2 (2019-04-04)

Fixed another vng-api-common notifications bug

0.12.1 (2019-04-04)

Fixed notifications throwing 500 errors

Notifications resolve internal paths to resources, which had a bug when components are hosted on subpaths. This has been fixed in vng-api-common.

0.12.0 (2019-03-27)

Added support for notifications

  • Switched to vng-api-common, which is the rebrand of zds-schema
  • Fixed CRS-parameters ending up in API spec for DELETE actions
  • Added django-solo to store configuration
  • Added the notifications support
    • NC configuration in database possible
    • viewset mixins for API endpoints, to publish notifications
    • callback endpoint available on /api/v1/callbacks, to receive notifications
    • management command register_kanaal available to register the exchange
    • added documentation page for kanalen/exchanges

0.11.2 (2019-03-11)

Increased URL-length validation from 200 to 1000 characters

0.11.1 (2019-03-08)

Fixed a bug where pagination parameters were incorrectly marked as invalid params.

0.11.0 (2019-03-08)

Added pagination to the /zaken endpoint

Breaking changes:

  • Response body of /zaken and /zaken/_zoek endpoints is now on object instead of a list. The list with results can be found in the results key.
  • Pagination defaults to a 100 objects, so to read all results, you'll have to fetch the other pages and/or supply a bigger page_size parameter.

Minor changes

  • Updated to security release of Django
  • Included URL to the EUPL-1.2 License in the API documentation

0.10.2 (2019-03-05)

Bugfix release

  • Bumped gemma-zds-client via zds-schema

0.10.1 (2019-02-27)

Bugfix release

  • Fixed operation/scope mapping

0.10.0 (2019-02-27)

Archiving feature release

Set the Resultaat for a Zaak to trigger the archiving machinery.

  • Requires the ZTC to be configured correctly.
  • Requires ZTC 0.9.0 or higher


  • added Resultaat resource
  • added Zaak.archiefnominatie + filter params
  • added Zaak.archiefactiedatum + filter params
  • added Zaak.archiefstatus + filter params
  • added Zaak.resultaat URL-reference
  • added read-only Eigenschap.naam (taken from ZTC)
  • added explicit duration format to duration fields


The following afleidingswijze``s for ``brondatum are not implemented yet:

  • gerelateerde_zaak
  • ingangsdatum_besluit
  • vervaldatum_besluit

0.9.2 (2019-02-07)

Documentation improvements

  • #620 - better/added documentation for various resource operations
  • Bumped to bugfix releases of Django and zds-schema

0.9.1 (2019-01-30)

Modified data migration to set Zaak.vertrouwelijkheidaanduiding based on zaaktype so that corrupt data doesn't crash the migrations.

0.9.0 (2019-01-30)

API maturity update

See VNG-Realisatie/gemma-zaken#673 for a more verbose description of the changes.

  • Documentation improvements
  • Fixed resetting Zaak.einddatum if a status other than the end-status is set after closing the Zaak (#660)
  • Added validation on related Informatieobject``s when a ``Zaak is being closed (#549)
  • Added more attributes (#549)
    • Zaak.productenOfDiensten
    • Zaak.publicatiedatum
    • Zaak.communicatiekanaal
    • Zaak.vertrouwelijkheidaanduiding - always set, default derived from Zaak.zaaktype.vertrouwelijkheidaanduiding
    • Zaak.resultaattoelichting
    • Zaak.betalingsindicatie
    • Zaak.laatsteBetaaldatum + validation with Zaak.betalingsindicatie value (no value is allowed if payment is irrelevant)
    • Zaak.verlenging - which is a nested object. null is accepted to leave the value empty. Pending change to calculate Zaak.einddatumGepland from this.
    • Zaak.opschorting added as nested object
    • ZAAK.selectielijstklasse added, should point to API
    • Zaak.hoofdzaak and Zaak.deelzaken attributes + validation logic added.
    • ZAAK.andereGerelateerdeZaken
  • Bumped a bunch of library versions (zds-schema, gemma-zds-client)
  • Improved help text of duration fields in the admin

Breaking changes

  • The Content-Crs header is now required for write-requests, and CRS-negotiation is performed on this. Update all create, update and partial update calls to include this header, even if you are not submitting geo data. (#639)

0.8.6 (2018-12-13)

Bump Django and urllib

  • urllib3<=1.22 has a CVE
  • use latest patch release of Django 2.0

0.8.5 (2018-12-11)

Small bugfixes

  • Fixed validator using newer gemma-zds-client
  • Added a name for the session cookie to preserve sessions on the same domain between components.
  • Added missing Api-Version header
  • Added missing Location header to OAS

0.8.2 (2018-12-04)

Client method signature fixed

0.8.1 (2018-12-03)

Refs. #565 -- change URL reference to RSIN

0.8.0 (2018-11-27)

Stap naar volwassenere API

  • Update naar recente zds-schema versie
  • HTTP 400 errors op onbekende/invalide filter-parameters
  • Docker container beter te customizen via environment variables

Breaking change

De Authorization headers is veranderd van formaat. In plaats van <jwt> is het nu Bearer <jwt> geworden.

0.7.1 (2018-11-22)

DSO API-srategie fix

Foutberichten bevatten een type key. De waarde van deze key begint niet langer incorrect met "URI: ".

0.7.0 (2018-11-21)

Autorisatie-feature release

  • Autorisatie-informatie toegevoegd aan API spec
  • Auth/Autz via middleware en JWT toegevoegd
  • Documentatie van scopes toegevoegd op http://localhost:8000/ref/scopes/
  • Maak authenticated calls naar ZTC
  • JWT client/secret management toegevoegd

Breaking changes

Door autorisatie toe te voegen zijn bestaande endpoints niet langer functioneel zonder een geldige Authentication header. Je kan de token issuer gebruiken om geldige credentials te verkrijgen.

Kleine wijzigingen

  • dwing gebruik van timeze-aware datetimes af (hard error in dev)
  • OAS 3.0 versie wordt nu geserveerd vanaf /api/v1/schema/openapi.yaml?v=3. Zonder ?v=3 querystring krijg je nog steeds Swagger 2.0.

0.6.1 (2018-11-16)

Added CORS-headers

0.6.0 (2018-11-01)

Feature release: zaak afsluiten & status filteren

  • Zaak.einddatum is alleen-lezen geworden
  • Zaak.einddatum wordt gezet indien de gezette status de eindstatus is
  • Status list endpoint accepteert filters op zaak en statusType

0.5.2 (2018-10-22)

Bugfix in bugfix release

  • Commit vergeten te pushen voor: Docker image fixed: ontbrekende swagger2openapi zit nu in image.

0.5.1 (2018-10-19)

Bugfix release i.v.m. zaakinformatieobjecten

  • zaakinformatieobject_destroy operatie verwijderd. Deze bestaat ook niet in het DRC namelijk.
  • zds-schema versiebump - DNS errors worden nu HTTP 400 in plaats van HTTP 500 bij url-validatie.
  • Fix in ZaakInformatieObject serializer door het ontbreken van een detail URL.
  • Docker image fixed: ontbrekende swagger2openapi zit nu in image.

0.5.0 (2018-10-03)

Deze release heeft backwards incompatible wijzigingen op gebied van zaakinformatieobjecten.

  • licentiebestand toegevoegd (Boris van Hoytema <>)
  • toevoeging API resources documentatie (markdown uit API spec)
  • correctie op error-response MIME-types
  • #166 - expliciet zaak-informatieobject relatieresource toegevoegd, met validatie-implementaties

0.4.0 (2018-09-06)

  • nieuwe velden (waaronder Kenmerken) toegevoegd aan de ZAAK-resource (VNG-Realisatie/gemma-zaken#153)
  • DSO API-50: implementatie formaat van error-responses & documentatie ( VNG-Realisatie/gemma-zaken#130)
  • Validatie (business logic) toegevoegd:
    • zaaktype URL referentie moet een geldige URL zijn
    • strengere validatie wordt gradueel ingevoerd
  • Uniciteit validator (combinatie bronorganisatie en identificatie) bouwt op generieke validator uit gemma-zaken-common.

0.3.1 (2018-08-20)

  • Validatie toegevoegd op aantal initiators/coordinatoren voor een zaak
  • rolomschrijvingGeneriek weggehaald
  • validatie op unieke ZAAK.``identificatie`` binnen een bronorganisatie

0.3.0 (2018-08-16)

Breaking changes

  • Hernoem zaakidentificatie -> identificatie cfr. de design decisions

0.2.5 (2018-08-15)

  • Fixes in CI

  • README netjes gemaakt

  • Aanpassingen aan BETROKKENEn bij ZAAKen

    • rol betrokkene is nu een referentie naar een andere resource via URL, mogelijks in een externe registratie (zoals BRP)
    • OrganisatorischeEenheid verwijderd door bovenstaande
    • startdatum, einddatum en einddatum_gepland velden toegevoegd
    • registratiedatum optioneel gemaakt, met een default van 'vandaag' indien niet opgegeven
    • Polymorfisme mechanischme toegevoegd voor betrokkenen en zaakobjecten
    • Filter parameters toegevoegd

0.2.5 (2018-07-30)

Fixes in OAS 3.0 schema op gebied van GeoJSON definities.

0.2.4 (2018-07-30)

Dependency zds_schema versie verhoogd, met een fix voor de required key in het OAS 3.0 schema.

0.2.3 (2018-07-25)

Uitbreiding en aanpassingen API spec

  • alle API url parameters zijn nu UUIDs in plaats van database primary keys
  • <resource>_list operations toegevoegd (volgende release zal hiervoor nested resources gebruiken)

0.1 (2018-06-26)

  • Initial release.