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Weather Service


The weather service agent provides API to access current weather data, historical data and weather forecast data. There are several weather data providers, some paid and some free. Weather data providers differs from one and other

  1. In the kind of features provided - current data, historical data, forecast data
  2. The data points returned
  3. The naming schema used to represent the data returned
  4. Units of data returned
  5. Frequency of data updates

The weather service agent has a design similar to historians. There is a single base weather service that defines the api signatures and the ontology of the weather data points. There is one concrete weather service agents for each weather provider. Users can install one or more provider specific agent to access weather data.

The initial implementation is for NOAA and would support current and forecast data requests. NOAA does not support accessing historical weather data through their api. This agent implements request data caching.

The second implementation is for


Base weather agent features:
  1. Caching

    The weather service provides basic caching capability so that repeated request for same data can be returned from cache instead of network round trip to the weather data provider. This is also useful to limit the number of request made to the provider as most weather data provider have restrictions on number of requests for developer/free api keys. The size of the cache can be restricted by setting an optional configuration parameter 'max_size_gb'

  2. Name mapping

    Data points returned by concrete weather agents is mapped to standard names based on CF standard names table Name mapping is done using a CSV file. See Configuration section for an example configuration

  3. Unit conversion

    If data returned from the provider is of the format {"data_point_name":value}, base weather agent can do unit conversions on the value. Both name mapping and unit conversions can be specified as a csv file and packaged with the concrete implementing agent. This feature is not mandatory. See Configuration section for an example configuration

Core weather data retrieval features :

  1. Retrieve current weather data.
  2. Retrieve hourly weather forecast data.
  3. Retrieve historical weather data.
  4. Periodic polling of current weather data for one or more locations. Users can configure one or more locations in a config file and weather agent will periodically poll for current weather data for the configured locations and publish the results to message bus.

The set of points returned from the above queries depends on the specific weather data provider, however the point names returned are from the standard schema.


  1. Since individual weather data provider can support slightly different sets of features, users are able to query for the list of available features. For example a provider could provide daily weather forecast in addition to the hourly forecast data.


1. Get available features

rpc call to weather service method ’get_api_features’

Parameters - None

Returns - dictionary of api features that can be called for this weather agent.

2. Get current weather data

rpc call to weather service method ’get_current_weather’


  1. locations - dictionary containing location details. The format of location accepted differs between different weather providers and even different APIs supported by the same provider For example the location input could be either {“zipcode”:value} or {“region”:value, “country”: value}.
List of dictionary objects containing current weather data. The actual data points returned depends on the weather service provider.

3. Get hourly forecast data

rpc call to weather service method ’get_hourly_forecast’


  1. locations - dictionary containing location details. The format of location accepted differs between different weather providers and even different APIs supported by the same provider For example the location input could be either {“zipcode”:value} or {“region”:value, “country”: value}.

optional parameters:

  1. hours - The number of hours for which forecast data are returned. By default, it is 24 hours.
List of dictionary objects containing forecast data. If weather data provider returns less than requested number of hours result returned would contain a warning message in addition to the result returned by the provider

4. Get historical weather data

rpc call to weather service method ’get_hourly_historical’


  1. locations - dictionary containing location details. For example the location input could be either {“zipcode”:value} or {“region”:value, “country”: value}.
  2. start_date - start date of requested data
  3. end_date - end date of requested data
List of dictionary objects containing historical data.


Based on the weather data provider this api could do multiple calls to the data provider to get the requested data. For example, allows history data query by a single date and not a date range.

5. Periodic polling of current weather data

This can be achieved by configuring the locations for which data is requested in the agent’s configuration file along with polling interval. Results for each location configured, is published to its corresponding result topic. is no result topic prefix is configured, then results for all locations are posted to the topic weather/poll/current/all. poll_topic_suffixes when provided should be a list of string with the same length as the number of poll_locations. When topic prefix is specified, each location's result is published to weather/poll/current/<poll_topic_suffix for that location> topic_prefix.


Example configuration:

    poll_locations: [
        {"zip": "22212"},
        {"zip": "99353"}
    poll_topic_suffixes: ["result_22212", "result_99353"],
    poll_interval: 20 #seconds,

    #optional cache arguments
    max_cache_size: ...


Example configuration for mapping point names returned by weather provider to a standard name and units:



Weather agent will cache data until the configured size limit is reached (if provided).

  1. Current and forecast data:

    If current/forecast weather data exists in cache and if the request time is within the update time period of the api (specified by a concrete implementation) then by default cached data would be returned otherwise a new request is made for it. If hours is provided and the amount of cached data records is less than hours, this will also result in a new request.

  2. Historical data cache:

    Weather api will query the cache for available data for the given time period and fill and missing time period with data from the remote provider.

  3. Clearing of cache:

    Users can configure the maximum size limit for cache. For each api call, before data is inserted in cache, weather agent will check for this size limit and purge records in this order. - Current data older than update time period - Forecast data older than update time period - History data starting with the oldest cached data


  1. User has api key for accessing weather api for a specific weather data provider, if a key is required.
  2. Different weather agent might have different requirement for how input locations are specified. For example NOAA expects a station id for querying current weather and requires either a lat/long or gridpoints to query for forecast. accepts zip code.
  3. Not all features might be implemented by a specific weather agent. For example NOAA doesn’t make history data available using their weather api.
  4. Concrete agents could expose additional api features
  5. Optionally, data returned will be based on standard names provided by the CF standard names table (see Ontology). Any points with a name not mapped to a standard name would be returned as is.