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grem edited this page Oct 6, 2017 · 8 revisions

SwlSimNET (an event-driven combat simualator for Secret World Legends) is written in C# with html/js front-end.



Step 1: Clone the repository by visiting this link:

or by command line (git required):

git clone

Step 2: Unzip the archive

Step 3: Open CMD or Powershell (Press Win+R on your keyboard to open it - then, type cmd or powershell and press Enter)

Step 4: Go to the project root folder/directory in CMD or Powershell (By using the 'cd' and 'dir' command)

Step 5 (This requires the .NET Core SDK/CLI) Restore the project:

dotnet restore

Step 5: Run the project:

dotnet run

-> Done! 🎉 Now you have a local build of the repository running on http://localhost:54414/

Clone this wiki locally