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Update Info Command

Vaerys-Dawn edited this page Jun 26, 2017 · 2 revisions

to start you off the one thing you need to know about this command is that is can only be run by an administrator
the next thing you need to know is that for each server that the bot is on there is a info.txt file that can
be found in the Storage file of the bot, this means that you need to either have access to the Storage file of the
bot or ask the bot host to upload the file for you, this will change in a later version and will involve a command.

Tags that can be used.

<channel>{[Channel ID]}

Replaces tag with channel mention of the same ID

<displayName>{[User ID]}

Replaces tag with DisplayName of the user with the same ID


Creates a blank character in place of this tag, the blank character does not take up space.

<image>{[Image Location]}

Sends an image in place of the tag, the file location should be in the Server's "[GuildId]/Images/" folder