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**Install the project dependencies & run Frontend:**

    cd loan-management-system
    cd client
    npm install
    npm run dev

**Install the project dependencies & run server:**

    cd server
    npm install
    npm start

**Now visit - https://localhost:3000 to check the App**

## Tech Stack

### Overview

The Loan Management System (LMS) is built using a combination of modern web development technologies and tools to provide a robust and efficient solution for managing loans and repayments. Below is an overview of the technology stack used in the LMS, along with the benefits and reasons for their selection.

### Frontend

### Next.js with Typescript


- **Server-side Rendering (SSR):** Next.js allows for server-side rendering, providing faster initial page loads and improved SEO.
- **TypeScript Support:** TypeScript integration ensures strong typing and improved code quality.
- **Routing:** Next.js offers a simple and intuitive routing system.
- **Component-Based Architecture:** Encourages reusable and maintainable UI components.
- **Automatic Code Splitting:** Optimizes performance by splitting code into smaller bundles.
- **Fast Refresh:** Provides a fast development experience with instant UI updates.
- **Vercel Integration:** Seamless deployment on Vercel for hosting.

**Reasons for Selection:**

- Next.js was chosen for its SSR capabilities, which enhance the user experience and SEO performance.
- TypeScript ensures type safety and better code maintainability.
- Routing and component-based architecture simplify frontend development.

### Tailwind CSS


- **Utility-First:** Rapidly build and style components using utility classes.
- **Customization:** Easily customize the design system to match project requirements.
- **Responsive Design:** Simplifies creating responsive and mobile-friendly layouts.
- **Developer Experience:** Improves developer productivity with a consistent design language.

**Reasons for Selection:**

- Tailwind CSS was selected for its developer-friendly approach to styling.
- It offers a utility-first approach, reducing the need for writing custom CSS.
- Tailwind's responsive design utilities help create a visually appealing and responsive UI.

### Backend

### Node.js


- **JavaScript Runtime:** Allows for a unified language stack (JavaScript/TypeScript) across the application.
- **Non-blocking I/O:** Supports asynchronous operations for improved performance.
- **Extensive Package Ecosystem:** Access to a wide range of npm packages and libraries.
- **Scalability:** Suited for building scalable and efficient server-side applications.

**Reasons for Selection:**

- Node.js was chosen for its versatility and non-blocking I/O, making it suitable for handling concurrent requests in a loan management system.

### Express.js


- **Minimalistic Framework:** Simplifies API development with minimal boilerplate code.
- **Middleware Support:** Extensible through middleware for authentication, routing, and more.
- **Routing:** Provides a straightforward routing system for defining API endpoints.
- **Performance:** Lightweight and optimized for building efficient APIs.

**Reasons for Selection:**

- Express.js is a popular choice for building APIs due to its simplicity and middleware support.
- It aligns well with Node.js and is suitable for creating RESTful endpoints.

### MongoDB


- **NoSQL Database:** Flexible schema-less database for handling various data structures.
- **Scalability:** Designed for horizontal scaling to accommodate growing data.
- **JSON-Like Documents:** Storage of data in BSON format for seamless integration with JavaScript.
- **Community and Ecosystem:** A large and active community with extensive libraries and tools.

**Reasons for Selection:**

- MongoDB was chosen for its scalability and flexibility in handling diverse data related to loans and users.
- JSON-like documents fit well with JavaScript and TypeScript used in the application.

## API Documentation

The Loan Management System provides APIs for managing loans and repayments. For detailed API documentation, refer to the [API Documentation](/Loan%20Management%20System.postman_collection.json) file.


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