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This is the repository for a research project about balancing in RTS videogames. If you want to access the full research document about the topic, click this link down below.

For the class I made on this topic, I made two exercicies in a spreadsheet.

  1. The first exercicie is about unit balancing. In this exercice you are given an initial set of units (Swordsman, Gunman and F. machine), as indicated in the spreadsheet. With this first set of units, you have to try and make a balanced set with three extra units (Knight, Archer and Dragon) that have their values put to zero. Don't edit the initial unit's parameter cells or the cost and type cells of the new units. To realize this exercice you just have to edit the HP and DPS cells.

Note: Also, don't edit the transposed matrix down below the main payoff table. But you can of course erase the transposed table and experiment with a non-symetrical set of enemy units, if you desire.

Unit Balance Exercice

  1. This second exercice is about build rate. In this exercice you are given a set types of resources with their own rarity index, and the base unit's construction time and resources. With this, you need to achieve for every entity on the table, the seconds of build time that are indicated in the right cells in colour green. To do this you need to modify the resource cells of every unit, upgrade or construction. There are some resource cells though, that you cannot modify; these cells are marked on blue. It is recomended that in every entity that has two resource cells printed in blue, you modify the other two cells, and not just one.

Build Rate Exercice


You have the permision to use and modify this spreadsheets however you want.


Research project about RTS video games balancing.







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