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Likesgiving is a Next.js project designed to capture the essence of your daily life. It allows users to celebrate moments of joy and commiserate over frustrations by sharing experiences with others who can relate.

Likesgiving Preview


  • Authentication: User authentication is handled using NextAuth.js for seamless login and registration processes.
  • State Management: Redux Toolkit is utilized for efficient state management throughout the application.
  • Data Fetching: Data fetching and caching are managed with the help of SWR and React Query for optimal performance.
  • Form Handling: Formik and Yup are used for form validation and handling.
  • Date Manipulation: Date-fns library is employed for flexible and reliable date manipulation.
  • UI Components: Reusable UI components are provided to maintain consistency and enhance user experience.
  • API Integration: Axios is used for making HTTP requests to the backend API.
  • Linting: ESlint is configured for code linting to ensure code quality and maintainability.
  • Styling: Global styles are defined using CSS modules for modular and scoped styling.
  • Infinite Scroll: Infinite scroll functionality is implemented for smooth browsing experience.
  • Profile Management: Users can manage their profiles with features like password change and forgot password functionality.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Install dependencies using npm install.
  4. Start the development server using npm run dev.

Project Structure

  • src: Contains middleware and global configurations.
  • app: Holds pages and components related to the application.
  • components: Reusable UI components.
  • lib: Utility functions and helper modules.
  • pages: Next.js pages.
  • redux: Redux store configuration and feature slices.
  • schemas: Data validation schemas.

Link to Live Project

Check out the live version of Likesgiving here.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit issues and pull requests.