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The Wall

The Wall is a project designed to provide a platform for users to create walls and share messages on those walls. It offers a RESTful API for managing walls and messages.


  • Create Walls: Users can create walls where they can post messages.
  • Post Messages: Users can post messages on walls.
  • Update Messages: Users can update their messages on walls.
  • Delete Messages: Users can delete their messages from walls.
  • View Walls and Messages: Users can view existing walls and messages.

Technologies Used

  • Java: The project is developed using Java programming language.
  • Spring Boot: Spring Boot is used for building the RESTful API.
  • Lombok: Lombok is used to reduce boilerplate code.
  • Spring Data JPA: Spring Data JPA is used for data access.
  • Maven: Maven is used for project management and dependency resolution.

Project Structure

The project is structured into two main packages:

  1. Controller Package: Contains REST API controllers for managing walls and messages.
  2. Service Package: Contains service classes implementing business logic for managing walls and messages.

API Endpoints

Wall API

  • GET /api/v1/walls: Get all walls.
  • POST /api/v1/walls: Create a new wall.
  • GET /api/v1/walls/{id}: Get a specific wall by ID.
  • DELETE /api/v1/walls/{id}: Delete a wall by ID.
  • PUT /api/v1/walls/{id}: Update a wall by ID.

Wall Message API

  • GET /api/v1/walls/{wallId}/messages: Get all messages for a specific wall.
  • POST /api/v1/walls/{wallId}/messages: Post a message on a wall.
  • GET /api/v1/walls/{wallId}/messages/{messageId}: Get a specific message by ID on a wall.
  • DELETE /api/v1/walls/{wallId}/messages/{messageId}: Delete a message by ID on a wall.
  • PUT /api/v1/walls/{wallId}/messages/{messageId}: Update a message by ID on a wall.

Getting Started

To get started with the project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd thewall
  3. Build the project using Maven: mvn clean install
  4. Run the project: mvn spring-boot:run
  5. Access the API endpoints using a tool like Postman or through a web browser.


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