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User stories, updated 27.8.2018 16:36

User is a person who engages with the application.

Person is a person in the application database, who is not necessarily a user but can be.

Issue refers to a magazine issue.

An admin is always an editor, language consultant and picture editor as well (not enforced).

A picture editor is always an editor as well (not enforced).

As a user

  • I can create an account, so that I can be logged-in.
  • I can see articles in the system.
    • I can see the article's name
    • I can see the article's title, subtitle and table-of-contents text
    • I can see the writer of the article
    • I can see the editor-in-charge of the article
    • I can see the language consultant of the article
    • I can see the layout artist of the article
    • I can see the writing status, editing status of the article
    • I can see the language consultation status of the article
    • I can see the layout status of the article
    • I can see the amount of pages of the article

As a user who has an account

  • I can log-in so that I can do things I otherwise could not.

As a logged-in user

  • I can change the name and password associated to my account.

  • I can see the unfinished tasks I am related to, so that I know what I have yet to be done.

    • I can see the unfinished articles whose writer I am.
    • I can see the unfinished articles whose language consultant I am.
    • I can see the unfinished picture units whose artist I am.

As a logged-in user who is an editor

  • I can add an issue to the system, provided that there is no issue with the same number already in the system, so that articles can be associated with it.
  • I can add people in the system, so that they can be associated with tasks such as writing or editing an article or creating a picture unit.
  • I can add names to the people in the system, so that searches using those names will find the right person.
  • I can remove names of the people in the system, so that a name that was typoed or that is wrong will not stay in the system.
  • I can add an article in the system, provided that I give it a name, so that other editors will know what articles are coming in the future issues.
    • I can associate the article to an issue
    • I can associate an editor as the editor-in-charge of the new article.
    • I can associate a person as the writer of the new article.
    • I can give the new article a title, subtitle and a table-of-contents text.
    • I can give the new article an amount of pages.
    • I can give the new article a writing status.
    • I can give the new article a synopsis.
  • I can see the unfinished articles whose editor-in-charge I am, so that I can keep track of their progress.
  • I can add picture units to articles, so that the picture editor knows that pictures are provided or needed.
  • I can associate a user as the responsible person for those picture units.
  • I can see the articles whose layout artist I am, so that I can keep track of their progress and I will know when they are ready for layout phase.
  • I can edit all the information related to articles.
    • I can edit the name of the article
    • I can edit the issue associated with the article
    • I can edit the writer of the article.
    • I can change or add the editor-in-charge of the article.
    • I can edit the writing status of the article.
    • I can edit the editing status of the article.
    • I can edit the synopsis of the article.
    • I can edit the amount of pages of the article.
  • I can see what tasks other users have been associated with, so that I can get a feeling of how they are proceeding.
  • I can update info of a picture unit
    • I can update the progress status of a picture unit
    • I can update the description of a picture unit
    • I can update the person responsible for a picture unit

As a logged-in user who is a language consultant

  • I can mark myself as the language consultant of an article that is 100% written and edited so that other language consultants know not to language check this article
  • I can mark articles whose language consultant I am as being language-checked

As a logged-in user who is a picture editor

  • I can mark pictures that are 100% done (status is 100) as being ready

As a logged-in user who is a layout artist

  • I can mark articles that are language-checked and whose pictures are ready as ready.

As a logged-in user who is an admin

  • I can delete issues from the system
  • I can delete articles from the system
  • I can grant editor previledges to another user
  • I can take editor previledges away from a user
  • I can remove a picture unit, so that if I create a reduntant picture unit or if a picture order is cancelled, it will not be left hanging in the system, confusing users.
  • I can remove users
  • I can associate a registered user with a dummy-account