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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 5, 2020. It is now read-only.
valkyrienyanko edited this page Dec 11, 2018 · 11 revisions

Current Features

  • Workers currently gather wood from a single tree for x seconds and gather it back to the base and drop it off for x seconds and repeat.
  • Camera follows the player with smooth transition and smooth zoom transitions.
  • You can select units. (very buggy atm)

Planned Features

  • Eventually trees will hold X wood, workers can only hold so much resources before they bring it all back to base.
  • Workers (now called peasants or something of the same idea) can be assigned different jobs. e.g. mining, chopping, hunting
  • Add concept of iron mines, gold mines, copper mines or combine them all into one big mine structure that can be upgraded and you can tell the workers in the mine which ore to mine.
  • Workshop allows you to upgrade buildings and tools. (could be split into many buildings e.g. black smith, wood workshop)
  • Expand on the UIs adding shops, upgrades for different structures and units.
  • Worker attack, mine, chop, walk animations.
  • Enemies linger in the world.

Crazy Ideas

  • Multiplayer (MMO?)
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