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Web ValueCharts

Web ValueCharts is a web implementation of ValueCharts. ValueCharts is a set of visualizations and interactive techniques intended to support decision-makers in preferential choice. More information about ValueCharts can be found at the project website.

Live Version

An up-to-date version of Web ValueCharts can be found at Users that want to create a permanent account instead of continuing as a temporary user should not use any real credentials until the project is updated to use HTTPS. There are several demonstration ValueCharts that can be viewed by users interested in evaluating the project.

Setting up a Local Instance of the Application

Please see the Quick Start Guide for information on how to quickly obtain the project and setup a local host.

Documentation and Development Guide

Please view the project wiki for detailed documentation and a thorough development guide. For specific issues please see the heavily commented source files.


Please report any issues or bugs using the Issues Page. Detailed bug reports are greatly appreciated.