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delete project

robert-valueguard edited this page May 30, 2024 · 11 revisions

Delete projects

The code below gives an example of how to use the client to delete a project.

import valueguard

vgClient = valueguard.Client()
vgClient.authenticate("<username>", "<password>")


Field list

Field name Description Example
id ID of the project a5bb766e-453d-4e85-a92c-f2c51b86c332
name Name of the project Bergslagsresan 155
created_at Date when the project was created 2023-11-23
updated_at Date when the project was updated 2024-01-01
ads_reference_selected_ad_ids List of ids of ads that has been selected ["1fb9ca75-590a-42de-8269-5312b854917b","1fb9ca75-590a-42de-8129-5312l274092t"]
ads_reference_excluded_ad_ids List of ids of ads that has been excluded ["1fb9ca75-590a-42de-8129-5312l274092t","5ac5fc11-9a4e-86gi-2565-9756p618436x"]
ad_references_search_criteria Saved search criteria for ads_references See ads reference
sales_reference_selected_sale_ids List of ids of sales that has been selected ["2fa8cb84-671b-53df-9238-6423m385103u","3ec7da93-782c-64eg-0347-7534n496214v"]
sales_reference_excluded_sale_ids List of ids of sales that has been excluded ["4bd6eb02-893d-75fh-1456-8645o507325w","6db4gd20-ab5f-97hj-3674-a867q729547y"]
sale_references_search_criteria Saved search criteria for sales_references See sales reference
ads_market_share_search_criteria Saved search criteria for ads_market_share See ads market share
index_normalized_search_criteria Saved search criteria for index_normalized See index normalized

Search criteria fields

Field name Description Example
id ID of the project a5bb766e-453d-4e85-a92c-f2c51b86c332

Raw request


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