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Version 2 can slice .stl files and use predefined shapes. It requires libraries not in the Anaconda install.


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#This program has been deprecated. SciSlice is now the latest version. SciSlice is the re-branded latest version of DogBone. It has all of the old features and a few new ones. All bug fixes and feature requests will be pushed there.
SciSlice, the Scientific Slicer.

DogBone V2.x

DogBone is a program that creates custom tool paths for Fused Filament Fabrication 3D printers (also known by the trade marked term FDM). The motivation for creating this program was to allow the user to independently adjust as many printing parameters as possible for the purpose of researching and characterizing each parameter's effect on a part's properties.

Version 2 can tool path both STL files and pre-defined shapes. Executing with Python 3+ will display a GUI through which you can enter all of the parameters for printing.



Getting Started

After downloading the zip file and extracting it in an appropriate location and installing the dependencies simply run in your preferred Python IDE or with a text editor (I prefer Notepad++)*. The user adjustable printing parameters are broken into five sections:

Parameters types are indicated after the name of the parameter. Types [enclosed in square brackets] can be lists, comma or space separated. For part parameters the longest list determines how many parts are printed all other parameters are cycled, one for each part, until the longest list is exhausted. For layer parameters the parameters are cycled layer by layer until the specified number of layers have been printed.

Part Parameters

Part parameters are parameters that are constant throughout a single part but can change between parts (except for outline). The longest list of part parameters determines how many parts will be created. The part parameters are:

  • outline
  • stl_file
  • solidity ratio
  • print speed (mm/min)
  • shift X
  • shift Y
  • number of layers
  • brims


The outline of the part to be made. The drop down menu is populated by the functions in the doneShapes module. An outline must be of type Shape. If an stl file is desired select stl_file from the drop down.

Stl File

To slice an .stl file select stl_file from the outline drop down menu. From there a file chooser window will pop up allowing you to select an .stl file.

Solidity Ratio

Solidity ratio is used to calculate the extrusion rate for each layer.
extrusion_rate = solidity_ratio*layer_height*nozzle_diameter/filament_area
A solidity ratio of 1 should create a fully filled part, a theoretical minimum to have all beads in a square just touching is π/4.

Print Speed mm/min

Print speed is how fast the print head moves while printing. The units will be dependent on the hardware you are using. It seems most slicing software uses mm/sec but the RepRap G-code they create and send to the printer is still defined in mm/min so that is the units used in the G-code.

Shift X and Shift Y

To print multiple parts without them attempting to occupy the same space you must use shiftX and shiftY. These shifts are absolute shifts (they are not relative to the previous shift). Since it does not make sense to have two parts printed in the same location at least one of these two parameters should be the longest list of part parameters and determine how many parts are printed.

Number of Layers

How many layers are printed in the part. They layer parameters are continuously cycled until this number is reached for the part being printed. They are then reset for the next part.


The number of brims to place around the first layer. The brims will be printed around the exterior side of every loop on the part including internal holes at a distance of pathWidth between each brim. The brims are printed in order farthest from part to closest to part.


Methods within can also define custom patterns for a layer. Some require input parameters. If they do require additional parameters selecting them from the drop down menu will create a pop-up window.

Design Type (Not yet implemented)

Custom infill patterns can be designed for your part. The pattern must be of type LineGroup. The pattern is extended by copying the design and then connecting the start of the first line in the copy the end of the last of the original and saving that as the new original. This process is repeated until the design is sufficiently longer than the outline. This whole new line group is then copied and translated in Y by pathWidth until a full field is created. Please read the comments in the InFill module for more details.

Layer Parameters

Layer parameters are unique to each layer of a part. Each list of parameters is cycled until the value in numLayers for the part is met. The lists are then started over at the start of the next part. The layer parameters are:

  • Infill Angle (degrees)
  • Path Width (mm)
  • Layer Height (mm)
  • Infill Shift X (mm)
  • Infill Shift Y (mm)
  • Number of Shells
  • Trim Adjust (mm)

Infill Angle degrees

The angle of the infill for the part. Zero (0) degrees is in the positive X direction with the angles moving around counter clockwise.

Path Width mm

The distance between the centerlines of two adjacent passes. This is an orthogonal distance, not a normal distance. If you had a zig-zag infill pattern v^v^v^v when that pattern is turned into a field it would only be shifted in the Y direction by pathwidth. If the angle were 90 degrees that would mean a path width of 1.0mm would create a normal distance of 0.707mm which will then effect your solidity ratio.

Infill Shift X and Y mm

Sometimes when the infill is created it is not centered properly in the shape or you may want to do testing that creates beads which sit in the valley of the lower bead instead of directly on top of it
. O O O O
Infill shift X and Y are hacks used so you can adjust the infill to fine tune your pattern.

Number of Shells

The number of shells you want around the part. Shells are created by a normal offset pathWidth away from the previous shell/outline. Keep in mind that to tool path the infill properly a trim shell is created by the program. For example if three shells are prescribed a fourth trim shell is created inside the third shell to properly trim the infill.

File Parameters

  • outputFileName - The name of the output Gcode file
  • start_Gcode_FileName - Name of the file which contains all of the starting Gcode commands
  • end_Gcode_FileName - File with end Gcode commands The program currently looks into the Start_End_Gcode folder when searching for these files.

Print Parameters

  • bed_temp (C) - flag = #BED_TEMP
  • extruder_temp (C) - flag = #EXTRUDER_TEMP

To have the GUI set the bed and extruder temperatures you must provide the appropriate flags in the Start Gcode file. For the Taz5 or other printers using the Marlin firmware it would look as follows:

M190 #BED_TEMP ;

Printer Parameters

These are parameters related to the printer itself.

  • filamentDiameter (mm)- The diameter of the incoming filament.
  • nozzleDiameter (mm) - Nozzle outlet diameter
  • RAPID (mm/min) - How fast the printer should move when not printing
    • The RepRap wiki (9 July 2016) says "The RepRap firmware spec treats G0 and G1 as the same command, since it's just as efficient as not doing so." I strongly disagree with this statement. A G01 is a feed command and as such needs an F value to know how fast to move. A G00 command should be a rapid command where the printer knows its max velocity and therefore does not require an F feed rate. Because of the RepRap design choice G00 needs a feed rate command requiring the programmer/operator to know each individual machine's max speed and creates larger programs by needing the additional text on every G00 line. How is that just as efficient?
  • TRAVERSE_RETRACT (mm) - how far to retract the filament to prevent nozzle drool when traversing around the part.
  • MAX_FEED_TRAVERSE (mm) - if the move to the next printing position is less than this value the head is not lifted up, no filament retract is performed, and it is moved at the print velocity. If the move to the next printing position is larger than this value the head is lifted by Z_CLEARANCE and the material is retracted by TRAVERSE_RETRACT
  • Z_CLEARANCE (mm) - Relative clearance height to which the head is moved when traversing the part.
  • APPROACH_FR (mm/min) - Speed the printer should move when approaching the part. A slightly slower speed helps prevent hard crashes and allows the filament more time to move forward in the nozzle in preparation for printing.

Easy Getting Started Instructions

If you have no idea how to get started using DogDoneV2 hopefully these instructions will help. If you kind of know what you are doing then use this as an outline to really mess it all up.


You will need Python 3.5+ and all of the required dependencies to run Downloading and installing Anaconda will get you Python and most of the needed libraries (dependencies). Anaconda can be found on the Continuum website. Choose the Python 3.5 version installer appropriate for your operating system. This is a pretty large installation so it will take a bit.


Even though Anaconda comes with many libraries already installed I managed to design DogBoneV2 to need three libraries which are not included. Sorry about that. Luckily Anaconda comes with a program called Conda which makes this processes fairly easy. First you need to get to the Anaconda prompt. On my Windows machine I went to the Start Menu -> All Programs -> Anaconda3 -> Anaconda Prompt. Selecting Anaconda Prompt will pop up a black command line window. From this window you will be able to install the three missing libraries: Pygame, Shapely, and trimesh. In the command prompt type:
conda install -c cogsci pygame
This will install Pygame from the CogSci profile on
Next install Shapely with the same process but from the IOOS channel.
conda install -c IOOS shapely
Finally we need trimesh. As of this writing there was not a Conda version of trimesh so we will use pip.
pip install trimesh

All in a row you will have typed into the command prompt (hitting enter after each line and waiting for each install):

conda install -c cogsci pygame  
conda install -c ioos shapely  
conda install -c ioos rtree    
pip install trimesh  

Now you have the three additional libraries needed to run DogBoneV2.

Installing DogBoneV2

The most up-to-date version of DogBoneV2 is located on GitHub in its repository. Once there select the clone/download dropdown (a green button) and download the .zip file. Extract the file into whichever folder you like and you have it installed.

Since DogBoneV2 is not fully stable yet it may be worth while to download Git Desktop so you can clone the repository to more easily and quickly download bug fixes.

Running the Program

To run the program either cd into the folder in which you unzipped the program and then type in the Conda prompt python or open Spyder, which came with the Anaconda installation, open the and run the program from Spyder.


You can save your print parameters by clicking the Save button on top of the GUI. Previously saved .json files can be uploaded with the Upload button. When the program is first opened it uses the DEFAULT.json file. If you always use a similar parameter profile you can save over this file and your parameters will be loaded at startup.


If you have Python and the appropriate dependencies installed you can use Notepad++ to run the file. To do this in the menu bar select Run-> Run (F5) type the following:

<your python path>\python.exe -i "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"

<your python path> is the actual path to python. For me Python was in my Anaconda3 folder. FULL_CURRENT_PATH is a variable in Notepad++ so type that exactly. On my computer the full command was:

C:\Anaconda3\python.exe -i "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"

Now select save. For a command I chose ctrl-r and hit ok. Now you can edit the file, save the changes (if you do not save the changes then it will run the old changes, which can be confusing) and finally hit your hot keys (ctrl-r). Notepad++ will call Python and run your program.


Version 2 can slice .stl files and use predefined shapes. It requires libraries not in the Anaconda install.







