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A FoundryVTT module that allows you to place overhead tiles such as roofs.


  • Allows you to promote tiles to a layer above tokens such that they display on top
  • Automatically reveal under the roof when a player token walks under, and hide again when they leave, or set a roof manually to be open or closed
  • Adjust the opacity of the overhead tile for both the "open" and "closed" states

Demo GIF


Demo GIF

How to Design Walls for Roofs

  • I recommend you place one way normal walls around your buildings so that players can see onto the roof from outside, but not out of the building from the inside. You can also place an invisible wall around the building to prevent the players from walking through your one-way walls.

Demo GIF

  • A future version of this module will add interior/exterior walls that will make this process easier and allow you to have walls that are not visible until a character steps under the roof allowing for interior rooms

Known Issues:

  • Does not yet support animated tiles