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[State] Handling Native Events

Benjamin J. Anderson edited this page Mar 1, 2019 · 4 revisions


State events are events triggered by, not by user actions. These include: connect, connect_error, connect_timeout, reconnect, reconnect_attempt, reconnecting, reconnect_error, reconnect_failed, disconnect, and error. These follow a similar format to client events, except an additional function must be added to a chain to retain parameters.

An array of events should be provided to the middleware, with each event being an object comprised of:

  • An action property
  • A dispatch function

Where the action is a string, "event", from one of's native events. See a list of these events here.

The first function chain for dispatch accepts 4 parameters in the following order:

  • A reference to the original socket
  • The current store
  • The "next" function
  • The action being emitted

The last function in the chain will be comprised of a maximum of 1 parameter corresponding to the call made by For example, the connect action has no parameters, but reconnecting takes in one parameter -- the number of attempts

import * as socketMiddleware from '';

const action = 'reconnecting';
const dispatch = (socket, store, next, action) => (attemptNumber) => {
  console.log('Socket is reconnecting', action, attemptNumber);


socketMiddleware.socketio( null, [], [], [ COUNTER_RECONNECTING_EVENT ], "COUNTER_MIDDLEWARE" );

Example: Disconnecting a Socket

Due to the default nature of this library, having multiple sockets, a client event has to be emitted to disconnect the socket; otherwise the middleware won't know which socket to disconnect.

We create a redux action to emit the disconnect event

import { createAction } from 'redux-actions';

export const actions = {

And the middleware will disconnect the socket. A disconnect state event can also be added to capture when the socket is disconnected.