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155 lines (118 loc) · 6.03 KB


License: MIT Codecov

chainmap API

This library provides a chain of HashMaps with interior mutability of each intermediate layer. The HashMaps are reference-counted, thus it is possible to create a tree of layers of HashMaps and not just a single chain.

The higher maps in the tree (close to the leaves) have higher priority.

What is this crate good for ?

The implementation allows several maps to read and write to a common root. Not as many items are cloned as when using a HashMap. Calls to insert have been measured to be about twice as slow as when using a plain HashMap, and both update and get are linear relative to the depth of the ChainMap: do not use this crate if what you want to do can be solved with a plain HashMap.

On the other hand, you might want to use this if:

  • you have many calls to clone on a HashMap with constant values, in which case you can pass around ChainMaps with map.extend().readonly()
  • you want a HashMap shared by multiple objects/threads, then you can use map.extend() and make calls to update on it
  • you have a collection of mappings that you want to override locally without affecting the default values, this can be done with map.extend() then calls to insert

Possible use cases that group all of the above include:

1. Management of nested scopes for implementing an interpreter

An example from the appropriate section of the Book: 15. Scoping rules - RAII

fn create_box() {
    // CreateBoxScope
    let _box1 = Box::new(3i32);

fn main() {
    // MainScope
    let _box2 = Box::new(5i32);
        // NestedScope
        let box3 = Box::new(4i32);

    for i in 0u32..1_000 {
        // LoopScope<i>

Could be represented as

MainScope["_box2" => 5i32]
    ├── NestedScope["_box3" => 4i32]
    ├── LoopScope0[]
    │       └── CreateBoxScope["_box1" => 3i32]
    ├── LoopScope1[]
    │       └── CreateBoxScope["_box1" => 3i32]
    │   ...
    └── LoopScope999[]
            └── CreateBoxScope["_box1" => 3i32]

Where each [ $( $key => $value ),* ] is a level of a tree of ChainMaps built on the previous one.

This it turn could be declared as

let mut main_scope = ChainMap::new();
main_scope.insert("_box2", 5i32);

let mut nested_scope = main_scope.extend();
nested_scope.insert("_box1", 5i32);

let mut loop_scope = Vec::new();
for _ in 0..1000 {
    let mut h = HashMap::new();
    h.insert("_box1", 3i32);

The rules for which map entries are accessible from a certain level of the ChainMap tree are exactly the same as how they would be for the corresponding scopes.

2. Configuration files at different levels

For example with cargo:

├── proj/
│    ├── foo/
│    │    ├── bar/
│    │    │    └── .cargo/config
│    │    ├── baz/
│    │    │    └── .cargo/config
│    │    └── .cargo/config
│    ├── quux/
│    │    └── .cargo/config
│    └── .cargo/config
└── .cargo/config

The config files closer to the leaves have higher priority and can override the configuration settings defined closer to the root in the directory tree.

This situation can be trivially abstracted with a ChainMap:

let home = ChainMap::new();
let proj = home.extend();
let foo = proj.extend();
let quux = proj.extend();
let bar = foo.extend();
let baz = foo.extend();

Why another chain map ?

There are already chain maps out there:



However, both of these implementations of a chain map do not allow multiple branches from a single root, as they are wrappers around a Vec<HashMap<K, V>>.

On the other hand, this crate allows one to fork several maps out of a common root, saving memory usage at the cost of a less friendly internal representation: A Vec<HashMap<K, V>> is certainly better to work with than a tree of Option<Rc<Mutex<HashMap<K, V>>>>.

Why require mut everywhere if there is interior mutability ?

The ChainMap could just as well take &self everywhere instead of requiring &mut self, and it would still work. After all, a Mutex can have its contents changed even if its container is immutable.

There are two reasons for not making all methods take &self:

  1. Despite interior mutability, it would feel weird to insert into a non-mut structure.

    A HashMap requires mut to insert, and I wanted the ChainMap to feel like a HashMap as much as possible, hence the choice of the same method names insert and get.

  2. The fork and fork_with methods do require &mut self and there is no (safe) way to bypass that.

    fork is declared as:

    pub fn fork(&mut self) -> Self {
        let newlevel = self.extend();
        let oldlevel = self.extend_fallthrough();
        // This line requires &mut self
        std::mem::replace(&mut *self, oldlevel);

    When used:

    let ch = ChainMap::new();
    let _ = ch.fork();

    ch is not the same object before and after the call to fork !

    The object that used to be contained in ch has been moved out and there is now no way to access the former ch other than implicitly by reading it from one of its children.

    It is also impossible to insert a new key into it.