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CLI application for accessing Vantage API. Application is implemented using Python, and Vantage Python SDK.


CLI supports all of the Vantage API endpoints: account management, collections management, search, and API keys management.



Grab latest binary from our releases page, and extract it into your PATH.

Building your own binary using Pyinstaller

  1. Clone this repository using git, or download and unpack ZIP file.
  2. Create virtual environment to build the binary [Optional]
  3. Run poetry install --all-extras in the root of the directory
  4. Deactivate and activate your virtual environment [Optional]
  5. Run pyinstaller -F vantage_cli/

Binary named vantage will be built in the dist directory. Copy it into your PATH.


It is recommended to use a binary, but if for whatever reason you need to use this software from source, you can do it in following way.

  1. Clone this repository using git, or download and unpack ZIP file.
  2. Ensure that you have Python 3.10, and poetry tool installed, either locally, or use virtual environment.
  3. Run poetry install in the root of the cli directory.
  4. Run python vantage_cli/ from the root directory.


If running for the first time, CLI will ask you a few questions to create initial configuration file, and then show help.

Generally, CLI usage is like following:


For example:

vantage -o csv -a example-account create-collection --collection-id example --collection-name "My example collection" --embeddings-dimension 1536 --use-provided-embeddings true

Getting help

Run vantage --help to show available options and commands.

Each command has specific help available, run vantage command --help to get help for each one of them

For example, running:

vantage create-collection-openai --help

Will output following help text:

Usage: vantage create-collection-openai [OPTIONS]

  Creates a new OpenAI collection.

  --collection-id TEXT            ID for the new collection.  [required]
  --collection-name TEXT          Name for the new collection.  [required]
  --llm-secret TEXT               OpenAI account secret key.
  --llm-model-name TEXT           OpenAI LLM model name.
  --external-account-id TEXT      OpenAI account key ID from Vantage Console.
  --secondary-external-account-id TEXT
                                  Secondary external LLM account key ID.
  --collection-preview-url-pattern TEXT
                                  URL pattern for previewing items in the
  --embeddings-dimension INTEGER  Dimension of the embeddings stored in the
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Debug messages

When running Vantage CLI with -d switch, it will print out debug messages to STDERR, which can be useful when troubleshooting issues.

For example, vantage -d list-collections will output something like this:

[2024-05-23 15:49:02] DEBUG [vantage.vantage.cli:228] Invoked command list-collections
[2024-05-23 15:49:02] DEBUG [vantage.vantage.cli:229] Using API host:
[2024-05-23 15:49:02] DEBUG [vantage.vantage.cli:230] Using account ID: test
[2024-05-23 15:49:02] DEBUG [vantage.vantage.cli:235] Creating client using API key: $2a$********************************************************
[2024-05-23 15:49:02] DEBUG [vantage.collections.list_collections:34] Listing collections...
    "collection_id": "test-collection",
    "embeddings_dimension": 1536,
    "user_provided_embeddings": false,
    "collection_name": "test-collection",
    "collection_state": "Active",
    "collection_status": "Online",
    "collection_created_time": "2024-03-06T10:53:07",
    "collection_preview_url_pattern": "test/test-collection"

In case that something goes wrong when running a command, using debug switch will print more details about error that occurred, including stacktrace.



Configuration file location depends on OS you are using. Most commonly locations are:

Windows: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\vantage-cli\config.ini

Mac OS: /Users/user/Library/Application Support/vantage-cli/config.ini

Linux/BSD/Other Unix: /home/user/.config/vantage-cli/config.ini


Configuration is stored as .ini file:

client_id = <client id>
client_secret = <client secret>

vantage_api_key = <API key>

If no configuration file is present, CLI will ask you for M2M credentials, and API key, as a minimum. All of these parameters can be overridden using CLI options at runtime.

Options in the configuration file have the same name as runtime options, except that dash is replaced by underscore:

vantage --account-id example

Will translate to configuration like this:

account_id = example

Section general

general section contains options passed to the CLI at runtime. You can see the available options by running ./ --help.

Section section contains options common to all of the search commands.

For example, setting accuracy parameter in this section, will set it as common for all of the search commands:

accuracy = 0.4

When running any of the search commands, for example:

vantage semantic-search --collection-id example-collection lamp

It will be the same as you've ran:

vantage semantic-search --collection-id example-collection --accuracy 0.4 lamp

Note that you can override options from section by adding new section for a specific search command, with the overriden option:

accuracy = 0.4

accuracy = 0.3 # This will override the value above

Commands section

It is possible to set default values in configuration file for all of the other commands.

For example, setting default --items-per-page for semantic-search command would look like this:

items_per_page = 20

Note that when specifying command section, dash in the command name will not get converted to underscore, as when specifying options.


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