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To - Do List App Using React JS

This is a simple ToDo list application built with React.js and Tailwind CSS.


  • Add new tasks
  • Edit existing tasks
  • Mark tasks as done/not done
  • Delete tasks
  • Show/hide completed tasks
  • Data persistence using localStorage

You can try it live


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone ""
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd todo-list-app
  3. Install dependencies:

    npm install


  1. Start the development server:
    npm run dev
  2. Open your browser and visit http://localhost:5173 to view the app.

How to Use

  • Adding a Task:

    Enter a task in the input field and press "Enter" or click the "Save" button.
  • Editing a Task:

    Click the edit icon next to the task, make changes, and press "Enter" or click the "Update" button.
  • Marking a Task as Done:

    Click the checkbox next to the task.
  • Deleting a Task:

    Click the delete icon next to the task.
  • Showing Completed Tasks:

    Click the "Show Finished" button to toggle visibility of completed tasks.
  • Deleting multiple tasks:

    Click the "Delete All" button to delete the tasks according to state of "Show Finished", if its checked, all tasks will be deleted, if not, only undone tasks will be deleted.
  • Mark multiple tasks done or undone:

    You will get a button to mark all given tasks done, if show finished is checked and all the tasks are marked done, then you will get a button to mark all of them not done

Technologies Used

  • React.js
  • Tailwind CSS


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to open a pull request or submit an issue if you find any bugs or want to suggest improvements.