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Vasco Lucas edited this page Apr 9, 2023 · 1 revision


As the networking module draws to a close, I am filled with a sense of both amazement and challenge. The journey has been an incredible one, and I have learned a great deal about the intricacies of networking and how it shapes our modern world. Through rigorous coursework and hands-on experiences, I have been able to develop a deep understanding of this complex field.

In particular, I have found the five whys and five hows technique to be an invaluable tool in understanding the root causes of network issues and developing effective solutions. This technique has enabled me to delve into problems and solutions with a level of detail and clarity that I did not think was possible before. I feel confident that this knowledge will serve me well in my future endeavors.

Furthermore, I am excited to talk about the ongoing changes with the Comptia certificate. As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, it is crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest developments and changes. I am eager to continue my journey and explore the possibilities that the future holds in this exciting and dynamic field.

Five Whys and Five Hows Technique

Starting a new course can be an exciting but daunting experience for any new student. Just like the five whys and five hows technique, starting a new course requires drilling down into the details of the subject matter and peeling away the layers of information to get to the root of the knowledge. By repeating why and how questions, a new student can develop a better and more detailed understanding of the course material and get to the root of the concepts being taught. Just like with the techniques, it may take more or less than five repetitions to fully understand a topic. However, the process of continually asking questions and seeking answers can help a new student refine their understanding of the course and get to the root of their academic goals. By approaching their new course with a problem-solving mindset of "how" to gain knowledge and succeed, a new student can navigate their way to success and achieve their academic objectives.

Inclusive Language

CompTIA is changing the language used on its certification exams to be more inclusive. Carl Bowman, the Senior Director of Exam Services, stated that large and small vendors are reconsidering what terms they use to describe technical functions in the IT industry. Inclusive language is necessary as exclusive language promotes bias and undermines humanity by minimizing the worth and capabilities of individuals from marginalized groups. Changing the terms used to describe technical functions is a complex process, as it requires a unified team effort to deploy changes across entire repositories. To ensure fair, accurate, and current certifications, a panel of CompTIA Subject Matter Experts has reviewed and decided upon key replacement terms. The terms "master/slave," "blacklist/whitelist," and gender-specific pronouns have been replaced with more inclusive terminology like "primary/secondary," "blocklist/approved," and "person hours" to promote equity, inclusion, and clarity. Although the process of updating every exam is underway, it will be an ongoing initiative as new certifications are introduced.


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