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Repository files navigation


You can view all the UI components in the styleguide !


$ npm install
$ bower install
$ gulp


$ gulp serve


To add reusable element like header, navbar, footer,... just add it in the assets/components/... directory. To use it on templates, include your component with the Handlebars syntax. For example if you have assets/components/molecules/thumbnail.html, add {{> thumnail }} in your template.

The directory where the component is located (atoms, molecules, organisms,...) depends of his size acording to the atomic design principles.

You can inject content in your component by using variables. Example in heading.html :

  {{ title }}

or (more complex) :

  {{# if title}}
    {{ title }}
  {{ else }}
    Mon super titre !

and in homepage.html :

<div class="container">
  {{> heading title="Hello" }}


You can use data injection in your templates/components by adding a data JSON/YAML file in the assets/data/ directory.

For example** if you have in assets/data/cat.yml :

    name: 'Arnold'

You can use it in your template/component with {{ }}

For a more complex example, you can loop over json array like :

in data/cat.json :

    "kitten": [
            "name": "Arnold",
            "age": 8
            "name": "James",
            "age": 19

in components/card.html :

<h3>{{ title }}</h3>
<small>{{ something }}</small>

To use this two in my templates/homepage.html to list kittens :

{{#each cat.kitten }}
  {{> card something=this.age }}

Templates :

To build templates, you can had all your html files in the assets/templates/ directory.


Use the builded files from ./build