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release-1.19.2-3.4-410: Changelog:

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@github-actions github-actions released this 07 Oct 00:14
· 309 commits to master since this release
- Client: Added Buckets Show Inhabitants, which adds display variants on the inventory for Crabs, Axolotls, and Tropical Fish

- Experimental: Added Variant Selector (lets you place block variants without crafting them)

- Added a Handshake system to Quark's features, which allows servers and clients to communicate on login over what features are enabled and make changes accordingly. Right now it's used to allow clients to disable Auto Tool Restock independently of the server config

- Added config option to use a different date format for the Camera module

- Added Disable Tripwire Hook Dupe to Game Nerfs in Experimental

- Chest variants spawning in structures are now controlled by tags

- Crab temptation items are now a tag

- Feeding trough checking now happens on a random interval to improve performance. It may be less accurate now

- Fixed a dupe when moving Crates with pistons

- Fixed a startup crash when scanning an invalid recipe

- Fixed compasses not spinning when invalid

- Fixed Corundum Lamps not dropping when broken

- Fixed crash with Corail Tombstone

- Fixed disabling some blocks not disabling their variants (slab, stairs, wall)

- Fixed doge

- Fixed Enchantments Begone config still allowing some edge cases like sharpness on axes

- Fixed Ender Watcher not respecting players wearing carved pumpkins (or other enderman-safe items)

- Fixed Furnace Minecarts not being craftable with variant furnaces

- Fixed Glimmering Weald Pathfinder Quills not appearing in creative

- Fixed hoe harvesting radius config being backwards

- Fixed incorrect display on attribute tooltips when comparing to an attribute with value 0

- Fixed incorrect item display when using /give and the game language is set to chinese

- Fixed log spam when attempting to change the UUID on a bee that doesn't need it

- Fixed magnetized blocks disapeparing for one frame

- Fixed Matrix Enchanters dropping vanilla Enchanting Tables if autoconvert is disabled

- Fixed pipe timing being potentially inconsistent depending on block entity update order

- Fixed Quark's Mud variants not being stonecutteable

- Fixed quark's recipe tracker breaking recipes edited with KubeJS sometimes

- Fixed removing items from list config objects ingame leaving behind the buttons

- Fixed render thread log spam from incorrect quark fence gate model definitions

- Fixed seed pouch dupe if a mod adds the ability to stack them

- Fixed some typos in JEI hints

- Fixed Tiny Potato and Glowshroom Rings not being properly waterloggable

- Fixed Toretoise hitboxes not updating properly

- Fixed Trowel not rendering with the proper translations when handheld

- Fixed untranslated amethyst hint when corundum is disabled

- Glass Item Frame map updating is now on a delayed timer to improve performance

- Improved Tiny Potato inventory display

- Map Washing now disables itself if Supplementaries is loaded

- Removed Y level limitations on cluster size configs

- Updated /r/QuarkMod subreddit button in the q menu to the Violet Moon forums as reddit is cringe

- Updated bob

- Updated matrix influencing hint to describe inversion

- Updated recipes for Bamboo Mat and Feeding Trough