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release-1.20.1-4.0-440: Changelog:

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@github-actions github-actions released this 13 Apr 22:15
· 29 commits to master since this release
- New Feature: Fallen Logs - Uncommon horizontal logs in worldgen, will spawn with folliage and use Hollow Logs if enabled

- New Feature: Magma Keeps Concrete Powder - Concrete Powder will not solidify if there's Magma below it

- New Feature: Petals on Water - Pink Petals can now be placed on top of water like Lily Pads

- Added a config to toggle off the programmer art generation

- Added chest/inventory button offset options to the general config

- Automatic Recipe Unlock now has anti-overlap with NERB

- Fixed Ancient Tomes being able to apply to stacks bigger than 1

- Fixed crabs despawning when not bucketed

- Fixed crash when binding chat to a mouse button

- Fixed disabling the recipes for stone tools with any stone reverting the vanilla recipe to an older one

- Fixed double chests not sticking to slime

- Fixed food tooltips not properly recognizing custom item food values

- Fixed gold tool fortune and other baked enchantments not working if the tooltip is turned off

- Fixed hunger tooltip width being incorrectly set on smaller item names

- Fixed incorrect font in the microcrafting helper queue

- Fixed incorrect license URL in mod list

- Fixed Iron Rods and Fence Gates being breakable by water

- Fixed missing recipe for Vertical Bamboo Planks

- Fixed rope being able to dupe fluids

- Fixed Skull Pikes scaring Wardens despite them being blind

- Fixed stripped ashen logs not being tagged properly

- Framed glass recipe is now 4-to-8 rather than 5-to-4

- Removed Tiny Potato from Operator Utilities (it was fun while it lasted)

- Right clicking a Rope with water below it with an empty bucket will drain the water into the bucket like a well

- Updated textures for Trumpet Leaves and Cobblestone Bricks