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根据openapi生成代码 ts request type zod MSW Faker nestjs


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation


The current version is not compatible with V1.V1 document


Generate SDKs,OpenAPI to:

  • ts request
  • ts type
  • zod
  • Faker.js
  • MSW
  • nestjs
  • request object
  • vue-Query

OpenAPI Specifications are supported:

  • swagger 2.0
  • openapi 3.0


npm i openapi-to -g


  openapi init  // Generate openapi.config.js file
  openapi g     // Generate code from the openapi.config.js file


import {
} from "openapi-to";

export default defineConfig({
  servers: [
      input: {
        name: "swagger", // output file folder name
        path:''  //api documentation url
  plugins: [
      createZodDecorator: true,


增加 zod 主要用于端到端的校验.zodDecorator 会在请求方法上增加三个方法,需要自己去实现具体逻辑,给出示例供大家参考

  • paramsZodSchema

    收集请求参数 zodSchema

  • responseZodSchema 响应Zod模式

    收集响应数据 zodSchema

  • zodValidate zod验证

    根据 zodSchema 进行校验

@zodValidate example 例子

import _ from "lodash";
export function zodValidate(target: object, propertyKey: string, descriptor) {
const fn = descriptor.value;
descriptor.value = async (...args) => {
args.forEach((item, index) => {
const zodSchema = _.get(target, `_zodSchema.${propertyKey}.${index}`);
if (!zodSchema) {
return "";
const safeParse = zodSchema.safeParse(item);
!safeParse.success &&
`[${propertyKey}]request params error`,
const result = await fn(...args);
//response 校验
const responseZodSchema = _.get(
const safeParse = responseZodSchema.safeParse(result[1]);
result[1] &&
!safeParse.success &&
console.error(`[${propertyKey}]response error`, safeParse.error);

    return result;

export const responseZodSchema =
(zodSchema) => (target: object, propertyKey: string, descriptor) => {
_.set(target, `_zodSchema.${propertyKey}.responseZodSchema`, zodSchema);

export const paramsZodSchema =
(zodSchema) => (target: object, propertyKey: string, index) => {
_.set(target, `_zodSchema.${propertyKey}.${index}`, zodSchema);
ts request
import type { Pet } from "./Pet";
import { request } from "@/api/request";

 * @tag pet
 * @description Everything about your Pets
 * @UUID API-pet
class PetAPI {
   * @summary summary
   * @description
   * @UUID operationId
  testPost(bodyParams: Pet.TestPostBodyParams): Promise<[Pet.TestPostErrorResponse, Pet.TestPostResponse]> {
    return request({
      method: 'post',
      url: `/pet/test`,
      data: bodyParams

   * @summary Add a new pet to the store
   * @description
   * @UUID addPet
  create(bodyParams: Pet.CreateBodyParams): Promise<[Pet.CreateErrorResponse, Pet.CreateResponse]> {
    return request({
      method: 'post',
      url: `/pet`,
      data: bodyParams

   * @summary Update an existing pet
   * @description
   * @UUID updatePet
  update(bodyParams: Pet.UpdateBodyParams): Promise<[Pet.UpdateErrorResponse, Pet.UpdateResponse]> {
    return request({
      method: 'put',
      url: `/pet`,
      data: bodyParams

export const petAPI = new PetAPI;
ts type
import type { TestDto, TestDto2, Test32145, ApiResponse, Pet } from "./typeModels";

 * @tag pet
 * @description Everything about your Pets
 * @UUID type-pet
export namespace Pet {
    /** */
    export type TestPostBodyParams = TestDto;
    /** OK */
    export type TestPostResponse = TestDto2;
    /** */
    export type TestPostResponse401 = unknown;
    /** */
    export type TestPostResponse403 = unknown;
    /** */
    export type TestPostResponse404 = unknown;
    /** */
    export type TestPostErrorResponse = TestPostResponse401 | TestPostResponse403 | TestPostResponse404;
    /** */
    export type TestPutBodyParams = TestDto;
    /** OK */
    export type TestPutResponse = TestDto2;
    /** */
    export type TestPutResponse401 = unknown;
    /** */
    export type TestPutResponse403 = unknown;
    /** */
    export type TestPutResponse404 = unknown;
    /** */
    export type TestPutErrorResponse = TestPutResponse401 | TestPutResponse403 | TestPutResponse404;
    /** */
    export type DelByTestBodyParams = Array<number>;
    /** OK */
    export type DelByTestResponse = Test32145;
    /** */
    export type DelByTestResponse401 = unknown;
    /** */
    export type DelByTestResponse403 = unknown;
    /** */
    export type DelByTestErrorResponse = DelByTestResponse401 | DelByTestResponse403;

    /** queryParams */
    export interface TestIdGetQueryParams {
         * @description
        fields?: Array<string>;
         * @description
        page: number;
         * @description
        size: number;

    /** pathParams */
    export interface TestIdGetPathParams {
         * @description
        testId?: number;
         * @description
        testId2?: string;

    /** OK */
    export type TestIdGetResponse = TestDto2;
    /** */
    export type TestIdGetResponse401 = unknown;
    /** */
    export type TestIdGetResponse403 = unknown;
    /** */
    export type TestIdGetResponse404 = unknown;
    /** */
    export type TestIdGetErrorResponse = TestIdGetResponse401 | TestIdGetResponse403 | TestIdGetResponse404;

    /** pathParams */
    export interface UploadImagePostPathParams {
         * @description
        petId: number;

    /** bodyParams */
    export interface UploadImagePostBodyParams {
         * @description Additional data to pass to server
        additionalMetadata?: string;
         * @description file to upload
        file?: string;

    /** successful operation */
    export type UploadImagePostResponse = ApiResponse;
    /** */
    export type UploadImagePostErrorResponse = unknown;
    /** */
    export type CreateBodyParams = Pet;
    /** */
    export type CreateResponse405 = unknown;
    /** */
    export type CreateErrorResponse = CreateResponse405;
    /** */
    export type CreateResponse = unknown;
    /** */
    export type UpdateBodyParams = Pet;
    /** */
    export type UpdateResponse400 = unknown;
    /** */
    export type UpdateResponse404 = unknown;
    /** */
    export type UpdateResponse405 = unknown;
    /** */
    export type UpdateErrorResponse = UpdateResponse400 | UpdateResponse404 | UpdateResponse405;
    /** */
    export type UpdateResponse = unknown;

    /** queryParams */
    export interface FindByStatusGetQueryParams {
         * @description
        status: Array<string>;

    /** successful operation */
    export type FindByStatusGetResponse = Pet[];
    /** */
    export type FindByStatusGetResponse400 = unknown;
    /** */
    export type FindByStatusGetErrorResponse = FindByStatusGetResponse400;

    /** queryParams */
    export interface FindByTagsGetQueryParams {
         * @description
        tags: Array<string>;

    /** successful operation */
    export type FindByTagsGetResponse = Pet[];
    /** */
    export type FindByTagsGetResponse400 = unknown;
    /** */
    export type FindByTagsGetErrorResponse = FindByTagsGetResponse400;

    /** pathParams */
    export interface FindByPetIdPathParams {
         * @description
        petId: number;

    /** successful operation */
    export type FindByPetIdResponse = Pet;
    /** */
    export type FindByPetIdResponse400 = unknown;
    /** */
    export type FindByPetIdResponse404 = unknown;
    /** */
    export type FindByPetIdErrorResponse = FindByPetIdResponse400 | FindByPetIdResponse404;

    /** pathParams */
    export interface PetIdPostPathParams {
         * @description
        petId: number;

    /** bodyParams */
    export interface PetIdPostBodyParams {
         * @description Updated name of the pet
        name?: string;
         * @description Updated status of the pet
        status?: string;

    /** */
    export type PetIdPostResponse405 = unknown;
    /** */
    export type PetIdPostErrorResponse = PetIdPostResponse405;
    /** */
    export type PetIdPostResponse = unknown;

    /** pathParams */
    export interface DelByPetIdPathParams {
         * @description
        petId: number;

    /** */
    export type DelByPetIdResponse400 = unknown;
    /** */
    export type DelByPetIdResponse404 = unknown;
    /** */
    export type DelByPetIdErrorResponse = DelByPetIdResponse400 | DelByPetIdResponse404;
    /** */
    export type DelByPetIdResponse = unknown;
import { z } from "zod";
import { testDto, testDto2, test32145, apiResponse, pet } from "./zodModels";
/** bodyParams */
const testPostBodyParams = z.lazy(() => testDto);
/** OK */
const testPostResponse = z.lazy(() => testDto2);
/** */
const testPostResponse401 = z.unknown();
/** */
const testPostResponse403 = z.unknown();
/** */
const testPostResponse404 = z.unknown();
/** */
const testPostErrorResponse = z.union([testPostResponse401, testPostResponse403, testPostResponse404]);
/** bodyParams */
const testPutBodyParams = z.lazy(() => testDto);
/** OK */
const testPutResponse = z.lazy(() => testDto2);
/** */
const testPutResponse401 = z.unknown();
/** */
const testPutResponse403 = z.unknown();
/** */
const testPutResponse404 = z.unknown();
/** */
const testPutErrorResponse = z.union([testPutResponse401, testPutResponse403, testPutResponse404]);
/** bodyParams */
const delByTestBodyParams = z.number().array();
/** OK */
const delByTestResponse = z.lazy(() => test32145);
/** */
const delByTestResponse401 = z.unknown();
/** */
const delByTestResponse403 = z.unknown();
/** */
const delByTestErrorResponse = z.union([delByTestResponse401, delByTestResponse403]);
/** queryParams */
const testIdGetQueryParams = z.object({
    fields: z.string().array().optional(),
    page: z.number(),
    size: z.number()
/** pathParams */
export const testIdGetPathParams = z.object({
    testId: z.number().optional(),
    testId2: z.string().optional()
/** OK */
const testIdGetResponse = z.lazy(() => testDto2);
/** */
const testIdGetResponse401 = z.unknown();
/** */
const testIdGetResponse403 = z.unknown();
/** */
const testIdGetResponse404 = z.unknown();
/** */
const testIdGetErrorResponse = z.union([testIdGetResponse401, testIdGetResponse403, testIdGetResponse404]);
/** pathParams */
export const uploadImagePostPathParams = z.object({
    petId: z.number()
/** bodyParams */
const uploadImagePostBodyParams = z.object({
    /**Additional data to pass to server*/
    additionalMetadata: z.string().optional(),
    /**file to upload*/
    file: z.string().optional()
/** successful operation */
const uploadImagePostResponse = z.lazy(() => apiResponse);
/** */
const uploadImagePostErrorResponse = z.unknown();
/** bodyParams */
const createBodyParams = z.lazy(() => pet);
/** */
const createResponse405 = z.unknown();
/** */
const createErrorResponse = createResponse405;
/** */
const createResponse = z.unknown();
/** bodyParams */
const updateBodyParams = z.lazy(() => pet);
/** */
const updateResponse400 = z.unknown();
/** */
const updateResponse404 = z.unknown();
/** */
const updateResponse405 = z.unknown();
/** */
const updateErrorResponse = z.union([updateResponse400, updateResponse404, updateResponse405]);
/** */
const updateResponse = z.unknown();
/** queryParams */
const findByStatusGetQueryParams = z.object({
    status: z.string().array()
/** successful operation */
const findByStatusGetResponse = z.lazy(() => pet.array());
/** */
const findByStatusGetResponse400 = z.unknown();
/** */
const findByStatusGetErrorResponse = findByStatusGetResponse400;
/** queryParams */
const findByTagsGetQueryParams = z.object({
    tags: z.string().array()
/** successful operation */
const findByTagsGetResponse = z.lazy(() => pet.array());
/** */
const findByTagsGetResponse400 = z.unknown();
/** */
const findByTagsGetErrorResponse = findByTagsGetResponse400;
/** pathParams */
export const findByPetIdPathParams = z.object({
    petId: z.number()
/** successful operation */
const findByPetIdResponse = z.lazy(() => pet);
/** */
const findByPetIdResponse400 = z.unknown();
/** */
const findByPetIdResponse404 = z.unknown();
/** */
const findByPetIdErrorResponse = z.union([findByPetIdResponse400, findByPetIdResponse404]);
/** pathParams */
export const petIdPostPathParams = z.object({
    petId: z.number()
/** bodyParams */
const petIdPostBodyParams = z.object({
    /**Updated name of the pet*/
    name: z.string().optional(),
    /**Updated status of the pet*/
    status: z.string().optional()
/** */
const petIdPostResponse405 = z.unknown();
/** */
const petIdPostErrorResponse = petIdPostResponse405;
/** */
const petIdPostResponse = z.unknown();
/** pathParams */
export const delByPetIdPathParams = z.object({
    petId: z.number()
/** */
const delByPetIdResponse400 = z.unknown();
/** */
const delByPetIdResponse404 = z.unknown();
/** */
const delByPetIdErrorResponse = z.union([delByPetIdResponse400, delByPetIdResponse404]);
/** */
const delByPetIdResponse = z.unknown();
 * @tag pet
 * @description Everything about your Pets
 * @UUID zod-pet
export const petZod = {
    /**successful operation*/
    /**successful operation*/
    /**successful operation*/
    /**successful operation*/

 * @tag pet
 * @description Everything about your Pets
 * @UUID zod-pet
export namespace Pet {
    /** bodyParams */
    export type TestPostBodyParams = z.infer<typeof testPostBodyParams>;
    /** OK */
    export type TestPostResponse = z.infer<typeof testPostResponse>;
    /** */
    export type TestPostResponse401 = z.infer<typeof testPostResponse401>;
    /** */
    export type TestPostResponse403 = z.infer<typeof testPostResponse403>;
    /** */
    export type TestPostResponse404 = z.infer<typeof testPostResponse404>;
    /** */
    export type TestPostErrorResponse = z.infer<typeof testPostErrorResponse>;
    /** bodyParams */
    export type TestPutBodyParams = z.infer<typeof testPutBodyParams>;
    /** OK */
    export type TestPutResponse = z.infer<typeof testPutResponse>;
    /** */
    export type TestPutResponse401 = z.infer<typeof testPutResponse401>;
    /** */
    export type TestPutResponse403 = z.infer<typeof testPutResponse403>;
    /** */
    export type TestPutResponse404 = z.infer<typeof testPutResponse404>;
    /** */
    export type TestPutErrorResponse = z.infer<typeof testPutErrorResponse>;
    /** bodyParams */
    export type DelByTestBodyParams = z.infer<typeof delByTestBodyParams>;
    /** OK */
    export type DelByTestResponse = z.infer<typeof delByTestResponse>;
    /** */
    export type DelByTestResponse401 = z.infer<typeof delByTestResponse401>;
    /** */
    export type DelByTestResponse403 = z.infer<typeof delByTestResponse403>;
    /** */
    export type DelByTestErrorResponse = z.infer<typeof delByTestErrorResponse>;
    /** queryParams */
    export type TestIdGetQueryParams = z.infer<typeof testIdGetQueryParams>;
    /** pathParams */
    export type TestIdGetPathParams = z.infer<typeof testIdGetPathParams>;
    /** OK */
    export type TestIdGetResponse = z.infer<typeof testIdGetResponse>;
    /** */
    export type TestIdGetResponse401 = z.infer<typeof testIdGetResponse401>;
    /** */
    export type TestIdGetResponse403 = z.infer<typeof testIdGetResponse403>;
    /** */
    export type TestIdGetResponse404 = z.infer<typeof testIdGetResponse404>;
    /** */
    export type TestIdGetErrorResponse = z.infer<typeof testIdGetErrorResponse>;
    /** pathParams */
    export type UploadImagePostPathParams = z.infer<typeof uploadImagePostPathParams>;
    /** bodyParams */
    export type UploadImagePostBodyParams = z.infer<typeof uploadImagePostBodyParams>;
    /** successful operation */
    export type UploadImagePostResponse = z.infer<typeof uploadImagePostResponse>;
    /** */
    export type UploadImagePostErrorResponse = z.infer<typeof uploadImagePostErrorResponse>;
    /** bodyParams */
    export type CreateBodyParams = z.infer<typeof createBodyParams>;
    /** */
    export type CreateResponse405 = z.infer<typeof createResponse405>;
    /** */
    export type CreateErrorResponse = z.infer<typeof createErrorResponse>;
    /** */
    export type CreateResponse = z.infer<typeof createResponse>;
    /** bodyParams */
    export type UpdateBodyParams = z.infer<typeof updateBodyParams>;
    /** */
    export type UpdateResponse400 = z.infer<typeof updateResponse400>;
    /** */
    export type UpdateResponse404 = z.infer<typeof updateResponse404>;
    /** */
    export type UpdateResponse405 = z.infer<typeof updateResponse405>;
    /** */
    export type UpdateErrorResponse = z.infer<typeof updateErrorResponse>;
    /** */
    export type UpdateResponse = z.infer<typeof updateResponse>;
    /** queryParams */
    export type FindByStatusGetQueryParams = z.infer<typeof findByStatusGetQueryParams>;
    /** successful operation */
    export type FindByStatusGetResponse = z.infer<typeof findByStatusGetResponse>;
    /** */
    export type FindByStatusGetResponse400 = z.infer<typeof findByStatusGetResponse400>;
    /** */
    export type FindByStatusGetErrorResponse = z.infer<typeof findByStatusGetErrorResponse>;
    /** queryParams */
    export type FindByTagsGetQueryParams = z.infer<typeof findByTagsGetQueryParams>;
    /** successful operation */
    export type FindByTagsGetResponse = z.infer<typeof findByTagsGetResponse>;
    /** */
    export type FindByTagsGetResponse400 = z.infer<typeof findByTagsGetResponse400>;
    /** */
    export type FindByTagsGetErrorResponse = z.infer<typeof findByTagsGetErrorResponse>;
    /** pathParams */
    export type FindByPetIdPathParams = z.infer<typeof findByPetIdPathParams>;
    /** successful operation */
    export type FindByPetIdResponse = z.infer<typeof findByPetIdResponse>;
    /** */
    export type FindByPetIdResponse400 = z.infer<typeof findByPetIdResponse400>;
    /** */
    export type FindByPetIdResponse404 = z.infer<typeof findByPetIdResponse404>;
    /** */
    export type FindByPetIdErrorResponse = z.infer<typeof findByPetIdErrorResponse>;
    /** pathParams */
    export type PetIdPostPathParams = z.infer<typeof petIdPostPathParams>;
    /** bodyParams */
    export type PetIdPostBodyParams = z.infer<typeof petIdPostBodyParams>;
    /** */
    export type PetIdPostResponse405 = z.infer<typeof petIdPostResponse405>;
    /** */
    export type PetIdPostErrorResponse = z.infer<typeof petIdPostErrorResponse>;
    /** */
    export type PetIdPostResponse = z.infer<typeof petIdPostResponse>;
    /** pathParams */
    export type DelByPetIdPathParams = z.infer<typeof delByPetIdPathParams>;
    /** */
    export type DelByPetIdResponse400 = z.infer<typeof delByPetIdResponse400>;
    /** */
    export type DelByPetIdResponse404 = z.infer<typeof delByPetIdResponse404>;
    /** */
    export type DelByPetIdErrorResponse = z.infer<typeof delByPetIdErrorResponse>;
    /** */
    export type DelByPetIdResponse = z.infer<typeof delByPetIdResponse>;
import { HttpResponse, http, HttpHandler } from "msw";
import { petFaker } from "./petFaker";
/** */
const handlers = [{
    name: 'testPost',
    start: false,
    msw:'/pet/test', (req) => {
        return HttpResponse.json(petFaker.testPost())
}, {
    name: 'testPut',
    start: false,
    msw: http.put('/pet/test', (req) => {
        return HttpResponse.json(petFaker.testPut())
}, {
    name: 'delByTest',
    start: false,
    msw: http.delete('/pet/test', (req) => {
        return HttpResponse.json(petFaker.delByTest())
}, {
    name: 'testIdGet',
    start: false,
    msw: http.get('/pet/test/:testId', (req) => {
        return HttpResponse.json(petFaker.testIdGet())
}, {
    name: 'uploadImagePost',
    start: false,
    msw:'/pet/:petId/uploadImage', (req) => {
        return HttpResponse.json(petFaker.uploadImagePost())
}, {
    name: 'create',
    start: false,
    msw:'/pet', (req) => {
        return HttpResponse.json(petFaker.create())
}, {
    name: 'update',
    start: false,
    msw: http.put('/pet', (req) => {
        return HttpResponse.json(petFaker.update())
}, {
    name: 'findByStatusGet',
    start: false,
    msw: http.get('/pet/findByStatus', (req) => {
        return HttpResponse.json(petFaker.findByStatusGet())
}, {
    name: 'findByTagsGet',
    start: false,
    msw: http.get('/pet/findByTags', (req) => {
        return HttpResponse.json(petFaker.findByTagsGet())
}, {
    name: 'findByPetId',
    start: false,
    msw: http.get('/pet/:petId', (req) => {
        return HttpResponse.json(petFaker.findByPetId())
}, {
    name: 'petIdPost',
    start: false,
    msw:'/pet/:petId', (req) => {
        return HttpResponse.json(petFaker.petIdPost())
}, {
    name: 'delByPetId',
    start: false,
    msw: http.delete('/pet/:petId', (req) => {
        return HttpResponse.json(petFaker.delByPetId())
export const petHandler: Array<HttpHandler> = handlers
    .filter(x => x.start)
    .map(x => x.msw);
import { faker } from "@faker-js/faker";
import { testDto2, test32145, apiResponse, pet } from "./fakerModels";
import type { Pet } from "./Pet";

 * @tag pet
 * @description Everything about your Pets
 * @UUID Faker-pet
class PetFaker {
     * @summary summary
     * @description
     * @UUID operationId
    testPost(): NonNullable<Pet.TestPostResponse> {
        return testDto2()

     * @summary summary
     * @description
     * @UUID operationId
    testPut(): NonNullable<Pet.TestPutResponse> {
        return testDto2()

     * @summary summary
     * @description
     * @UUID operationId
    delByTest(): NonNullable<Pet.DelByTestResponse> {
        return test32145()

     * @summary summary
     * @description
     * @UUID operationId
    testIdGet(): NonNullable<Pet.TestIdGetResponse> {
        return testDto2()

     * @summary uploads an image
     * @description pet
     * @UUID uploadFile
    uploadImagePost(): NonNullable<Pet.UploadImagePostResponse> {
        return apiResponse()

     * @summary Add a new pet to the store
     * @description
     * @UUID addPet
    create(): NonNullable<Pet.CreateResponse> {
        return {}

     * @summary Update an existing pet
     * @description
     * @UUID updatePet
    update(): NonNullable<Pet.UpdateResponse> {
        return {}

     * @summary Finds Pets by status
     * @description Multiple status values can be provided with comma separated strings
     * @UUID findPetsByStatus
    findByStatusGet(): NonNullable<Pet.FindByStatusGetResponse> {
        return faker.helpers.multiple(() => pet(), {
            count: 10,

     * @summary Finds Pets by tags
     * @description Multiple tags can be provided with comma separated strings. Use tag1, tag2, tag3 for testing.
     * @UUID findPetsByTags
    findByTagsGet(): NonNullable<Pet.FindByTagsGetResponse> {
        return faker.helpers.multiple(() => pet(), {
            count: 10,

     * @summary Find pet by ID
     * @description Returns a single pet
     * @UUID getPetById
    findByPetId(): NonNullable<Pet.FindByPetIdResponse> {
        return pet()

     * @summary Updates a pet in the store with form data
     * @description
     * @UUID updatePetWithForm
    petIdPost(): NonNullable<Pet.PetIdPostResponse> {
        return {}

     * @summary Deletes a pet
     * @description
     * @UUID deletePet
    delByPetId(): NonNullable<Pet.DelByPetIdResponse> {
        return {}

export const petFaker = new PetFaker;



Since the ApiTags in @/common/swagger don't support the description attribute, we create an ApiTag method that supports it

// users.controller.ts
  name: 'users',
  description: 'Get all users',
export class UsersController {}

// ApiTag.decorator.ts
import { swaggerConfig } from '@/common/swagger';
import { TagObject } from '@nestjs/swagger/dist/interfaces/open-api-spec.interface';
import { ApiTags } from '@nestjs/swagger';
import { applyDecorators } from '@nestjs/common';

export const ApiTag = (tagObject: TagObject) => {
  return applyDecorators(ApiTags(;

//  common/swagger.ts
import { DocumentBuilder } from '@nestjs/swagger';

const swaggerConfig = new DocumentBuilder()
  .setDescription('api docs')

export { swaggerConfig };

  const options: SwaggerDocumentOptions = {
    operationIdFactory: (controllerKey: string, methodKey: string) => methodKey,
  const document = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, swaggerConfig, options);
  SwaggerModule.setup('docs', app, document);


├── pet
│   ├── domain
│   │   ├── ApiResponse.vo.ts
│   │   ├── Pet.dto.ts
│   │   ├── Pet.vo.ts
│   │   ├── findPetsByStatus-query.dto.ts
│   │   └── findPetsByTags-query.dto.ts
│   ├── pet.controller.ts
│   ├── pet.service.ts
│   └── repository
│       ├── pet-repository.module.ts
│       ├── pet.mapper.ts
│       └── pet.repository.ts
├── store
│   ├── domain
│   │   ├── Order.dto.ts
│   │   └── Order.vo.ts
│   ├── repository
│   │   ├── store-repository.module.ts
│   │   ├── store.mapper.ts
│   │   └── store.repository.ts
│   ├── store.controller.ts
│   └── store.service.ts
└── user
    ├── domain
    │   ├── User.dto.ts
    │   ├── User.vo.ts
    │   └── loginUser-query.dto.ts
    ├── repository
    │   ├── user-repository.module.ts
    │   ├── user.mapper.ts
    │   └── user.repository.ts
    ├── user.controller.ts
    └── user.service.ts

controller import { Controller, HttpStatus, HttpCode, Post, Param, Body, ParseIntPipe, Put, Get, Query, Delete } from "@nestjs/common"; import { ApiOperation, ApiResponse, ApiParam } from "@nestjs/swagger"; import { Permissions } from "@/common/decorators/auth.decorator"; import { ApiTag } from "@/common/swagger"; import { PetService } from "./pet.service"; import { ApiResponse } from "./domain/ApiResponse.vo"; import { Pet } from "./domain/Pet.dto"; import { FindPetsByStatusQueryDto } from "./domain/findPetsByStatus-query.dto"; import { FindPetsByTagsQueryDto } from "./domain/findPetsByTags-query.dto";

@ApiTag({ name: 'pet', description: 'Everything about your Pets', }) @Controller('pet') export class PetController { constructor(private readonly petService: PetService) { }

@ApiOperation({ summary: 'uploads an image' })
@ApiResponse({ status: HttpStatus.OK, description: "successful operation", ApiResponse })
    name: "petId",
    description: "ID of pet to update"
async uploadFile(@Param("petId", ParseIntPipe) petId: number, @Body() data: any): Promise<ApiResponse> {
    return await this.petService.uploadFile(petId, data)

@ApiOperation({ summary: 'Add a new pet to the store' })
@ApiResponse({ status: HttpStatus.OK })
async addPet(@Body() data: Pet): Promise<void> {
    return await this.petService.addPet(data)

@ApiOperation({ summary: 'Update an existing pet' })
@ApiResponse({ status: HttpStatus.OK })
async updatePet(@Body() data: Pet): Promise<void> {
    return await this.petService.updatePet(data)

@ApiOperation({ summary: 'Finds Pets by status', description: 'Multiple status values can be provided with comma separated strings' })
@ApiResponse({ status: HttpStatus.OK, description: "successful operation", isArray: true })
async findPetsByStatus(@Query() query: FindPetsByStatusQueryDto): Promise<Pet[]> {
    return await this.petService.findPetsByStatus(query)

@ApiOperation({ summary: 'Finds Pets by tags', description: 'Multiple tags can be provided with comma separated strings. Use tag1, tag2, tag3 for testing.' })
@ApiResponse({ status: HttpStatus.OK, description: "successful operation", isArray: true })
async findPetsByTags(@Query() query: FindPetsByTagsQueryDto): Promise<Pet[]> {
    return await this.petService.findPetsByTags(query)

@ApiOperation({ summary: 'Find pet by ID', description: 'Returns a single pet' })
@ApiResponse({ status: HttpStatus.OK, description: "successful operation", Pet })
    name: "petId",
    description: "ID of pet to return"
async getPetById(@Param("petId", ParseIntPipe) petId: number): Promise<Pet> {
    return await this.petService.getPetById(petId)

@ApiOperation({ summary: 'Updates a pet in the store with form data' })
@ApiResponse({ status: HttpStatus.OK })
    name: "petId",
    description: "ID of pet that needs to be updated"
async updatePetWithForm(@Param("petId", ParseIntPipe) petId: number, @Body() data: any): Promise<void> {
    return await this.petService.updatePetWithForm(petId, data)

@ApiOperation({ summary: 'Deletes a pet' })
@ApiResponse({ status: HttpStatus.OK })
    name: "petId",
    description: "Pet id to delete"
async deletePet(@Param("petId", ParseIntPipe) petId: number): Promise<void> {
    return await this.petService.deletePet(petId)


service import { Injectable } from "@nestjs/common"; import { PetRepository } from "./repository/pet.repository"; import { ApiResponse } from "./domain/ApiResponse.vo"; import { Pet } from "./domain/Pet.dto"; import { FindPetsByStatusQueryDto } from "./domain/findPetsByStatus-query.dto"; import { FindPetsByTagsQueryDto } from "./domain/findPetsByTags-query.dto";

@Injectable export class PetService { constructor(private readonly petRepository: PetRepository) { }

async uploadFile(petId: number, data: any): Promise<ApiResponse> {
    return await this.petRepository.uploadFile(petId, data)

async addPet(data: Pet): Promise<void> {
    return await this.petRepository.addPet(data)

async updatePet(data: Pet): Promise<void> {
    return await this.petRepository.updatePet(data)

async findPetsByStatus(query: FindPetsByStatusQueryDto): Promise<Pet[]> {
    return await this.petRepository.findPetsByStatus(query)

async findPetsByTags(query: FindPetsByTagsQueryDto): Promise<Pet[]> {
    return await this.petRepository.findPetsByTags(query)

async getPetById(petId: number): Promise<Pet> {
    return await this.petRepository.getPetById(petId)

async updatePetWithForm(petId: number, data: any): Promise<void> {
    return await this.petRepository.updatePetWithForm(petId, data)

async deletePet(petId: number): Promise<void> {
    return await this.petRepository.deletePet(petId)


repository import { Injectable, NotFoundException } from "@nestjs/common"; import { InjectRepository } from "@nestjs/typeorm"; import { petEntity } from "../entities/pet.entity.ts"; import { PetMappers } from "./PetMappers"; import { Repository } from "typeorm"; import { plainToInstance } from "class-transformer"; import { ApiResponse } from "./domain/ApiResponse.vo"; import { Pet } from "./domain/Pet.dto"; import { FindPetsByStatusQueryDto } from "./domain/findPetsByStatus-query.dto"; import { FindPetsByTagsQueryDto } from "./domain/findPetsByTags-query.dto";

@Injectable export class PetRepository { constructor(@InjectRepository(petEntity) private readonly petRepository: Repository) { }

async uploadFile(petId: number, data: any): Promise<ApiResponse> {
    const newEntity = PetMappers.toPersistence(data);

    const savedEntity = await;

    return plainToInstance(ApiResponse, savedEntity, {
        excludeExtraneousValues: true,

async addPet(data: Pet): Promise<void> {
    const newEntity = PetMappers.toPersistence(data);

    const savedEntity = await;

    return plainToInstance(undefined, savedEntity, {
        excludeExtraneousValues: true,

async updatePet(data: Pet): Promise<void> {
    const detail = await this.petRepository.findOneBy({});
    if (!detail) {
        throw new NotFoundException(`id ${id} not found`);

    const savedEntity = await
        PetMappers.toPersistence(_.assign(detail, data)),
    return plainToInstance(FindOneUserVo, savedEntity, {
        excludeExtraneousValues: true,

async findPetsByStatus(query: FindPetsByStatusQueryDto): Promise<Pet[]> {

    const [data, total] = await this.petRepository.find({
        where: { status: query.status },


    return plainToInstance(
        { data, total },
            exposeDefaultValues: true,

async findPetsByTags(query: FindPetsByTagsQueryDto): Promise<Pet[]> {

    const [data, total] = await this.petRepository.find({
        where: { tags: query.tags },


    return plainToInstance(
        { data, total },
            exposeDefaultValues: true,

async getPetById(petId: number): Promise<Pet> {
    const newEntity = await this.petRepository.findOne({ where: { petId: query.petId });
    return plainToInstance(FindOneUserVo, newEntity, {
        exposeDefaultValues: true,

async updatePetWithForm(petId: number, data: any): Promise<void> {
    const newEntity = PetMappers.toPersistence(data);

    const savedEntity = await;

    return plainToInstance(undefined, savedEntity, {
        excludeExtraneousValues: true,

async deletePet(petId: number): Promise<void> {
    return this.petRepository.softRemove(_.assign(new petEntity(), { petId }));


domain import { Type, IsNumber, IsOptional, IsString } from "class-validator"; import { ApiProperty } from "@nestjs/swagger"; import { Category } from "Category"; import { Tag } from "Tag";

/** *

  • @description Pet object that needs to be added to the store */ export class Pet {

    @IsNumber() @IsOptional() @ApiProperty({ format: 'int64', required: false, name: 'id' }) id?: number;

    @IsOptional() @ApiProperty({ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Category', required: false, name: 'category' }) category?: Category;

    @IsString() @ApiProperty({ example: 'doggie', required: true, name: 'name' }) name: string;

    @Type(() => String) @IsString({ "each": true }) @ApiProperty({ xml: { wrapped: true }, isArray: true, required: true, name: 'photoUrls' }) photoUrls: string[];

    @Type(() => Tag) @IsOptional() @ApiProperty({ xml: { wrapped: true }, isArray: true, required: false, name: 'tags' }) tags?: Tag;

    @IsString() @IsOptional() @ApiProperty({ description: 'pet status in the store', enum: [ 'available', 'pending', 'sold' ], required: false, name: 'status' }) status?: string; }