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This version of Vectorium cryptocurrency is based on Zcash 2.0.2 source code, introducing overwinter and sapling support keeping Vectorium PoW algorithm and consensus rules.

Vectorium flash's source code goals.

  • Make the blockchain as distributed as possible (minable blocks will be distributed in the most decentralized way possible, via secured solo pools);

  • Greater security, in fact a 51% attacks is very hard to do, the blockchain is stable even with only a graphic card;

  • Greater advantage for small miner compared to mining farms;

  • The blockchain is private and belong to Vectorium company; Anyway the mining is free and anyone with a graphics card can participate in mining;

  • When the hashrate will be high, for more blocks distribution the miners will be paused and in the meantime they'll able to undermine other coins.


Install dependencies

On Ubuntu/Debian-based systems:

$ sudo apt-get install \
      build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 g++-multilib autoconf libtool ncurses-dev unzip git python python-zmq zlib1g-dev wget bsdmainutils automake curl

On Fedora-based systems:

$ sudo dnf install git pkgconfig automake autoconf ncurses-devel python python-zmq wget gtest-devel gcc gcc-c++ libtool patch curl


sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 g++-multilib autoconf libtool ncurses-dev unzip git python zlib1g-dev wget bsdmainutils automake mingw-w64

On Mac systems:

brew tap discoteq/discoteq; brew install flock
brew install autoconf autogen automake
brew install gcc5
brew install binutils
brew install protobuf
brew install coreutils
brew install wget llvm

Check GCC version

gcc/g++ 4.9 or later is required. Vectorium Flash has been successfully built using gcc/g++ versions 4.9 to 7.x inclusive. Use g++ --version to check which version you have.

On Ubuntu Trusty, if your version is too old then you can install gcc/g++ 4.9 as follows:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install g++-4.9

Fetch the software and parameter files

Fetch our repository with git and run like so:

$ ./zcutil/

Build Linux/MAC

Ensure you have successfully installed all system package dependencies as described above. Then run the build, e.g.:

$ git clone
$ cd vectorium-flash/
$ chmod +x src/leveldb/build_detect_platform zcutil/ zcutil/ depends/ depends/config.guess depends/config.sub share/
$ ./zcutil/ --disable-tests

This should compile our dependencies and build vectoriumd

Build Windows

Ensure you have successfully installed all system package dependencies as described above. Then run the build, e.g.:

$ git clone
$ cd  vectorium-flash/
$ chmod +x src/leveldb/build_detect_platform zcutil/ zcutil/ depends/ depends/config.guess depends/config.sub share/
HOST=x86_64-w64-mingw32 ./zcutil/