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Reactive meta tags, Scripts and CSSs for Meteor and Iron-Router

Change meta tags on the fly within iron-router. This package can create meta tags, and link/script tags as well.

This package may also help to use dynamic CSSs and JSs, so you may use different style sheets - for different routes.

This package supports meta, script and link options (properties) defined on objects below, ordered by prioritization:

  • Router.route() [overrides all]
  • RouteController.extend()
  • Router.configure() [might be overridden by any above]

Note: this package implies ostrio:iron-router-title package.


meteor add ostrio:iron-router-meta

Demo application:



Change CSS and JS per route:

// Set default CSS and JS for all routes
  link: {
    twbs: {
      href: '',
      rel: 'stylesheet'
  script: {
    twbs: ""

// Rewrite default CSS, for second route, via controller:
var secondPageController = RouteController.extend({
  link: {
    twbs: {
      href: '',
      rel: 'stylesheet'
  script: {
    twbs: ""

Router.route('secondPage', {
  controller: secondPageController

// Rewrite default CSS, for third route via route settings:
Router.route('thirdPage', {
  link: {
    twbs: {
      href: '',
      rel: 'stylesheet'
  script: {
    twbs: ""

Set default tags:

  meta: {
    charset: {
      charset: 'UTF-8'
    keywords: {
      name: 'keywords',
      itemprop: 'keywords',
      content: 'Awesome, Meteor, based, app'
    robots: 'index, follow',
    google: 'notranslate'
  link: {
    canonical: function() {
      return window.location.href;
    image: {
      rel: 'image',
      sizes: '500x500',
      href: 'http://doma..'
    publisher: '',
    twbs: {
      href: '',
      rel: 'stylesheet'
  script: {
    twbs: '',
    base64: {
      src: '',
      async: true,
      defer: true

Set on route level

Router.route('account', {
  template: 'account',
  path: '/me/account',
  title: 'My Account',
  meta: {
    keywords: {
      name: 'keywords',
      itemprop: 'keywords',
      content: 'User, Account'

Set via RouteController:

var accountController = RouteController.extend({
  meta: {
    keywords: 'User, Account'

Router.route('account', {
  controller: accountController

Other examples:

Set only name and content attributes on meta tag:

Router.route('routeName', {
  meta: {
    name: 'content'

Set only rel and href attributes on link tag:

Router.route('routeName', {
  link: {
    rel: 'href'

Set multiple attributes on meta tag:

Router.route('routeName', {
  meta: {
    uniqueName: {
      name: 'name',
      content: 'content',
      value: 'value',
      'og:prop': 'value',
      itemprop: 'value'

Set multiple attributes on link tag:

Router.route('routeName', {
  link: {
    uniqueName: {
      rel: 'name',
      sizes: 'value',
      href: 'value',
      type: 'value'

Use function(s) as value:

Router.route('routeName', {
  meta: {
    url: {
      property: 'og:url',
      itemprop: 'url',
      content: function() {
        return window.location.href;
  link: {
    canonical: function() {
      return window.location.href;

Use function context:

Router.route('post', {
  template: 'post',
  path: '/post/:_id',
  meta: function() {
    return {
      keywords: {
        name: 'keywords',
        itemprop: 'keywords',
        content: function() {
  data: {
    getKeywords: function() {
      return PostsCollection.findOne(this.params._id).keywords;

Bootstrap configuration

  meta: {
    charset: {
      charset: 'UTF-8'
    keywords: {
      name: 'keywords',
      itemprop: 'keywords',
      content: 'Awesome, Meteor, based, app'
    description: {
      name: 'description',
      itemprop: 'description',
      property: 'og:description',
      content: 'Default description'
    image: {
      name: 'twitter:image',
      itemprop: 'image',
      property: 'og:image',
      content: 'http://doma..'
    'og:type': 'website',
    'og:title': function() {
      return document.title;
    'og:site_name': 'My Awesome Site',
    url: {
      property: 'og:url',
      itemprop: 'url',
      content: function() {
        return window.location.href;
    'twitter:card': 'summary',
    'twitter:title': function() {
      return document.title;
    'twitter:description': 'Default description',
    'twitter:site': {
      name: 'twitter:site',
      value: '@twitterAccountName'
    'twitter:creator': {
      name: 'twitter:creator',
      value: '@twitterAccountName'
    'http-equiv': {
      'http-equiv': 'X-UA-Compatible',
      content: 'IE=edge,chrome=1'
    robots: 'index, follow',
    google: 'notranslate'
  script: {
    twbs: ""
  link: {
    twbs: {
      href: '',
      rel: 'stylesheet'
    canonical: function() {
      return window.location.href;
    image: {
      rel: 'image',
      sizes: '500x500',
      href: 'http://doma..'
    publisher: '',
    'shortcut icon': {
      rel: 'shortcut icon',
      type: 'image/x-icon',
      href: 'http://domai...'
    'icon': {
      rel: 'icon',
      type: 'image/png',
      href: 'http://domai...'
    'apple-touch-icon-144': {
      rel: 'apple-touch-icon',
      sizes: '144x144',
      href: 'http://doma..'
    'apple-touch-icon-114': {
      rel: 'apple-touch-icon',
      sizes: '114x114',
      href: 'http://doma..'
    'apple-touch-icon-72': {
      rel: 'apple-touch-icon',
      sizes: '72x72',
      href: 'http://doma..'
    'apple-touch-icon-57': {
      rel: 'apple-touch-icon',
      sizes: '57x57',
      href: 'http://doma..'