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Kupo91 edited this page Jan 16, 2023 · 6 revisions

Standardized styles

  • Defaultstyle
  • Defaultstyle_Pressed
  • Flat
  • Flat_Pressed
  • Simple-Default
  • Text-Default
  • Text-Outlines

Styles preview

Defaultstyle Defaultstyle_Pressed Flat Flat_Pressed Simple-Default Text-Default Text-Outlines

Style templates

The templates are located in DynamicInputTextures/#Assets, they are a main part of every pack.

UniversalDIT_<Style Name>.json

are the standard versions and should normally be used.

UniversalDIT_Mirror_<Style Name>.json

is intended for mirrored textures

UniversalDIT_<Style Name>_Pressed.json

they are only available for Defaultstyle and Flat they are intended for pressed buttons.

Special features

this applies to the style with Pressed or EX at the end.

  • The sticks directions are exchanged with the neutral version.
  • The Dpad direction up and left are exchanged with the neutral version.
  • The Dpad direction down are exchanged with the up & down variant.
  • The Dpad direction right are exchanged with the left & right variant

Devices texture

  • All our styles have a Device key that can be used to change the device texture.

Custom styles

are only intended for the respective pack and are not based on any template. you can find the details here.