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A wrapper for grunt.util.spawn that is promised based. It is worth noting that the output from the executable call is only visible if you specify the --verbose flag from the command line.


npm install grunt-niteo-spawn --save-dev


The options object that is sent to the underlying grunt.util.spawn method is the property accessible within the MultiTask. So, the configuration of task follows that same structure.


grunt.initConfig = {
	niteoSpawn: {
		cmd: 'echo',
		args: [
			'hello world!'

If you're task needs to process the data passed on resolve, revoke, or notify of the promise, then you can specify functions within the configuration.


grunt.initConfig = {
	niteoSpawn: {
		cmd: 'echo',
		args: [
			'hello world!'
		success: function(result) {
			console.log result	

The example above would print out the hello world! string. If there was an error...


grunt.initConfig = {
	niteoSpawn: {
		cmd: 'unknownCommand',
		args: [
			'hello world!'
		failure: function(error) {
			console.log error	
		notify: function(msg) {

The stdout and stderr output from the spawned process is supressed by default. If you supply the --verbose flag you will see it. If you would like to see the output at all times, add a silent: false to the options for the target. silent is true by default.

grunt.initConfig = {
	niteoSpawn: {
		default: {
			cmd: 'echo',
			args: [
				'hello world!'
			silent: false

If you NEVER want the output to be visible on the screen (because it may reveal a password in a CI server) then you can use the sensitive flag. If it is undefined or false, then nothing is changed. However, if it is set to true then the output is suppressed competely.

grunt.initConfig = {
	niteoSpawn: {
		default: {
			cmd: 'echo',
			args: [
				'<my password>'
			sensitive: true

Advanced Usage

The niteoSpawn task is exposed as the grunt.niteo.spawn method on the grunt object. You can use it freely within your specialized grunt tasks as well.


	cmd: 'echo',
	args: [ 'hello world!' ]
}).done(function(result) {
	console.log result