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Provides linting features, in a single execution, for the following file types:

  • yaml, yml (yamllint)
  • cfn (cfnlint) - TODO cfnnag
  • json (jsonlin)
  • .sh (shellcheck)


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Getting started
  3. Operation modes
  4. Contributing
  5. AWS ECR


Dependencies needed to build and run lintball

  1. docker / docker-compose
  2. make

Getting Started

Building Lintball Docker Image

Build a local lintball image

make build

Running lintball

  1. For files that should be excluded from linting, add a ".lintignore" file in the root of the directory. See ignoring files below
  2. Run docker command
  3. Set the "DEBUG" environment variable to true, for more logging output
docker run \
  -v "$PWD:/scan"  \
  -e DEBUG="false" \
  --rm             \
  lintball:1.0.0 <space separated list of changed files>

  # e.g.
  docker run -v $PWD:/scan -e DEBUG="false" --rm lintball:1.0.0 "${CHANGED_FILES}"

Ignoring files

To optionally exclude files from the linting process, provide a .lintignore file in the working directory. In the .lintignore file, add the RELATIVE path of the file.


Enabling, as a pre-commit hook

See the README for details on how to enable, as a pre-commit hook.

Lint Results

The output is dumped to std out.

Operation Modes

The Lintball container can be used in 2 modes

  • Option 1 - Preferred - Pass the name of all changed files to Lintball. The Lintball container will execute the Linters against each changed file.

    • e.g. As a local pre-commit hook or a build pipeline (aws code build/jenkins/etc...), where a list of changed filenames is passed into the Lintball process)
  • Option 2 - Pass the details of the git repo / git branch / git commit / etc... to the Lintball container. Lintball will clone the repo locally, checkout the branch etc... and apply the Linters.

(nb: Option 2 is provided as a temporary fix to get around this issue ) Details of using option 2 are provided at the end of this README.


Running Tests

make tests

Testing locally - manually

make build && ./lib/githooks/pre-commit

Version Control

Lintball is currently being version controlled by the file: "lintball_version"

Updating version

If you are:

  1. Adding / Removing rules to lintball linters
  2. Updating one of the linters to a newer version
  3. Adding a new linter
  4. Removing a linter

Please update the version file

guide: Semantic Versioing

Publishing Update

  1. Any changes have to be tested
  2. All Changes must be PR'd
  3. Only master should be published


Creating new Lintball ECR repo

Lintall can be registered in AWS ECR

The PROFILE parameter refers to your AWS credential profile.

Lintball Prod images will be registered in the AWS build account.

# Following Command assumes you have valid AWS creds
make create-ecr-repo PROFILE=<your-profile>

Publishing update to AWS ECR

The PROFILE parameter refers to your AWS credential profile.

Lintball Prod images will be registered in the AWS account ECR Repo.

# Following Command assumes you have valid AWS creds
make publish PROFILE=<your-profile>

Option 2

Execute the lintball container, in a shell where the required git ENV vars are set An example would be to create a .env file, with the git details below, and running make lint-git-changes. The lint-git-changes tasks will pass the GIT variables below to the docker container. (The docker container will then pull the repo from the git host and apply the Lintball Linters)



No packages published


  • Shell 73.5%
  • Makefile 15.4%
  • Python 7.1%
  • Dockerfile 4.0%