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Releases: VertisanPRO/Nexus

Nexus 1.8.0

23 May 09:55
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Hello everyone who is using Nexus. It is been over 2 years since the release of Nexus that has been started by Mubeen and GIGABAIT and since 1.4.0 I have been maintaining the theme with Sylensky and GIGABAIT.

We are announcing that Nexus no longer will be a template itself, meaning to install Nexus, you will have to overwrite some DefaultRevamp files. We have a lot of work outside of NamelessMC and it is really hard to mantain the theme. The update is done which could be downloaded on To update, you may delete the folder custom/templates/Nexus on NamelessMC 2.1.0 and install the new version. Many features were removed due to being broken/hard to put into DefaultRevamp. To edit the theme, all instructions are under this message:

Q: How do I change my logo in the navbar?
A: In StaffCP > Layout > Images > Logo image

Q: How do I change !!minecraft domain!! in the navbar?
A: In custom/templates/DefaultRevamp/navbar.tpl, line 149, replace the !!minecraft domain!! to whatever you want to display (will be copied)

Q: How do I remove Discord Widget from the navbar?
A: In custom/templates/DefaultRevamp/navbar.tpl remove lines 109-110, 115-135 and read comment below (in the file). In custom/templates/DefaultRevamp/template.php remove lines 177-181

Q: How do I setup Discord Widget in the navbar?
A: In custom/templates/DefaultRevamp/template.php, line 171, replace discordid with your Discord Server ID

Q: How do I setup Minecraft Widget in the navbar?
A: In custom/templates/DefaultRevamp/footer.tpl, line 98, replace ip with the IP you would ping, replace port with the port you would ping (if it is 25565, remove :port)

Q: How do I remove Minecraft Widget from the navbar?
A: In custom/templates/DefaultRevamp/navbar.tpl remove lines 110-111, 144-167. custom/templates/DefaultRevamp/footer.tpl remove lines 97-108

Q: How do I remove WidgetBot?
A: In custom/templates/DefaultRevamp/footer.tpl remove lines 110-121

Q: How do I setup WidgetBot?
A: In custom/templates/DefaultRevamp/footer.tpl, set serverid and channelid (lines 99-100) to your Discord Server ID & Discord Channel ID

Q: How do I set the embed's description?
A: In custom/templates/DefaultRevamp/header.tpl, line 35 & 45, replace {$PAGE_DESCRIPTION} with your description (also remove lines 44 & 46)

Q: How do I set the embed's color?
A: In custom/templates/DefaultRevamp/header.tpl, lines 36-37, replace {$embedcolor} with your color

Q: How do I set the embed's image?
A: In custom/templates/DefaultRevamp/header.tpl, line 34 & 42, replace {$OG_IMAGE} with your image

Q: Is Ghost Module still supported?
A: Should be yes

Q: Does this mean it will be officialy supported?
A: No, very little updates will be made, but we are still here to help everyone. Also perhaps in the future we will be able to implement Nexus features into the DefaultRevamp itself

Q: Can you bring back x?
A: Maybe yes, ask (for modern navbar, sticky navbar, dynamic navbar,, widgets headings, preloader, menu to easily edit, manage colors - No, that wouldn't be possible for us. The project is on GitHub, meaning you may add features to the public)

Q: How do I remove the template?
A: First of all, delete the custom/templates/DefaultRevamp folder and upload the new folder from

If there would be problems, report asap in our Discord Server -, I will try to fix it

Nexus 1.7.2

04 Sep 12:49
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  • Fixed buttons not clickable on Members page
  • Rework on Update System
  • Change background color theme on Preloader


  • Added languages to Frontend
  • Added Vietnamese | by @RageOfFire

Nexus 1.7.1

15 Aug 03:13
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  • Added support for NamelessMC v2.0.2
  • Added support for WikiPro Module
  • Updated support for Store Module


Nexus 1.7.0

13 Jul 21:27
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It finally happend after 47 days, support for 2.0.0-pr13. Many features have been added and revamped. If you have any issues, please report them at our Discord!


You have to delete /modules/Nexus & /custom/templates/Nexus before uploading



  • Rewrote from DefaultRevamp, which now dark mode is actually dark
  • Removed the module & made Settings in the template itself
  • Added an Update Checker
  • Dark mode got darker
  • Removed Widgets because there's a new module called WidgetPack
  • Added Custom CSS & JS
  • Fixed Sticky navbar
  • Added a Modern navbar (which is different from Lithium & Cobalt)
  • Added Preloader with a lot of customization
  • Widgetbot is back with a lot of customization, in the Addons tab
  • Added that you can exlude navbar Links
  • Better Instructions
  • Better MySQL saving
  • Removed Favicon upload due to NamelessMC having it
  • Added Good-Looking messages (success, info, error)

Fixed Issues:

  • Fixed Embed page & Embed itself
  • Fixed Errors in Browser console
  • Fixed Footer not aligned properly

Modules changes:

  • Updated support for all 2.0.0-pr13 versions
  • Removed support for all non 2.0.0-pr13 versions


Huge thanks to

  • @Mubeen142 (on Github) | making the template :)
  • @GIGABAIT93 (on Github) | making the base of the update (such as Settings, WidgetPack, MySQL) | As he is in the Ukranian army, lets all 🙏 that he is still alive and good
  • @PadowYT2 | making a lot of new features (such as Update Checker, Modern navbar, Instructions, Embed page & Embed itself) and rewriting Nexus
  • @Sylensky | making a feature to exclude navbar Links
  • @Aberdeener | helping making features & fixing issues (such as Update Checker) and making it possible with Nameless-Releases
  • @partydragen | making Github releases on the module

Nexus 1.6.1

05 Jan 12:37
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  • Update support for Store module
  • Update support for Forms module
  • Update support for Gallery module
  • Typos fix
  • Navbar fix for Mobile

Nexus 1.6.0

12 Dec 06:41
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  • Navbar update
  • Update from Semantic-UI to Fomantic-UI
  • Added support for Countdown module
  • Update support for Gallery module
  • Made poll widget matching to other widgets
  • Optimisation code
  • Remove links to non-existent profiles in the server-status widget
  • Fix inability to scroll back to the very top of a page (there's a better fix for sticky navbars, but I can't remember it right now)
  • Fix embed not working
  • Fix "Click to Copy" IP in server status including colon or port when port is not set or default (25565)

Nexus 1.5.0

27 Oct 06:22
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  • Added support for NamelessMC v2 Pre12
  • Added support for Wiki module
  • Added support for Iframe module
  • Added support for Socialize module
  • Added support for Monitoring module
  • Footer rework
  • Better formatting
  • Bug fixes

Nexus 1.4.0

06 Oct 10:48
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  • Added support for NamelessMC v2 Pre11
  • Added support for Suggestions
  • Added support for Voting Plugin
  • Added support for Polls
  • Footer fix & changes
  • Widgetbot removed
  • Buttons removed
  • added
  • Russian translation
  • Bug fixes