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Verve Ad SDK Android

Supports Android 4.4 and above

Importing the SDK

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Modifying AndroidManifest.xml

Add the following permissions to your project:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

The following permission is optional:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />

Add the following elements to your project's Application tag:

            android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen" />
            verve:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen" />


implementation ''

App ID

Verve should have sent you a unique identifier for your application. This identifier should be used to fill in the fields labelled APP_ID. If you do not have an APP_ID, please contact your Verve Publisher Services account manager.


The zone field can be passed an arbitrary string or can be used to target ads in certain situations. If you were directed by a Verve representative to use specific "keywords" when making ad requests, these should be passed in the Zone field.

Alternatively you can this string to group your data for reporting, just limit the string length to 100 characters. Also note the "|" character is a restricted character. A null Zone will be treated as an empty string.

Implementing the Verve Ad SDK

Interstitial Ads

The class in which you would like to display interstitial ads will need to implement the IVerveAPIListener interface. The methods the class will implement provide the Activity with information regarding the SDK's ad state.


To request a rewarded video ad, you will need to create a RewardedVideoAd object:

// 'this' refers to class that is implementing IVerveAPIListener
InterstitialAd interstitialAd = new InterstitialAd(context, APP_ID, this)    

Your APP_ID will be provided to you during the Verve onboarding process.

Loading an Interstitial Video Ad

To request a rewarded video ad, call the load method below:

// Zone is the identifier used to request a interstitial ad
interstitialAd.loadInterstitialAd(zone) //If you havent recieved a zone, you can pass an empty string or null

Loading an Interstital Ad with ad mark up

To request a rewarded video ad, call the load method below:

interstitialAd.loadInterstitialAd(zone, id, adm)//If you havent recieved a zone, you can pass an empty string or null

Showing an Interstital Ad

After receiving the onAdReady(String zone) callback, the SDK is ready to show the ad you have loaded. To show an ad, call the method below:

interstitialAd.showInterstitialAd(zone, context) //If you havent recieved a zone, you can pass an empty string or null

Rewarded Video Ads

The class in which you would like to display rewarded video ads will need to implement the IVerveAPIListener interface. The methods the class will implement provide the Activity with information regarding the SDK's ad state.

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To request a rewarded video ad, you will need to create an InterstitialAd object:

// 'this' refers to class that is implementing IVerveAPIListener
RewardedVideoAd rewardedVideoAd = new RewardedVideoAd(context, APP_ID, this)    

Your APP_ID will be provided to you during the Verve onboarding process.

Loading a Rewarded Video Ad

To request an interstitial ad, call the load method below:

// zone is the identifier used to request a rewarded video ad
rewardedVideoAd.loadRewardedVideoAd(zone)//If you havent recieved a zone, you can pass an empty string or null

Loading a Rewarded Video Ad with ad mark up

To request an interstitial ad, call the load method below:

rewardedVideoAd.loadRewardedVideoAd(zone, id, adm)//If you havent recieved a zone, you can pass an empty string or null

Showing a Rewarded Video Ad

After receiving the onAdReady(String zone) callback, the SDK is ready to show the ad you have loaded. To show an ad, call the method below:

rewardedVideoAd.showRewardedVideoAd(zone, context)//If you havent recieved a zone, you can pass an empty string or null

Banner Ads

The class in which you would like to display banner ads will need to implement the IVerveAPIListener interface. The methods the class will implement provide the Activity with information regarding the SDK's ad state.

Banner Ad Sizes

The ad SDK allows for various sized banner ads to be addded to your Android application. Please see the table below for the different sizes available:

Size Constant Description
320x50 BANNER Standard banner
728x90 TABLET_BANNER IAB Leaderboard
300x250 MEDIUM_RECTANGLE IAB Medium Rectangle

Option 1: Create your banner in XML

Create a BannerAdView in the XML Resource

Note: Be sure to include the Verve namespace, xmlns:verve="", in the XML.


In the class that is displaying the XML retrieve the BannerAdView id:

BannerAdView bannerAdView = (BannerAdView) findViewById(

Then set the iVerveAPIListener to bannerAdView object:


When creating BannerAdView via XML, the view will automatically fetch an ad when created. To request an ad after the first initial load call:

\\ zone is the identifier used to request a banner ad
bannerAdView.loadBannerAd(zone)//If you havent recieved a zone, you can pass an empty string or null

Option 2: Create your banner programmatically


To request a banner ad, you will need to create a BannerAdView object:

// 'this' refers to class that is implementing IVerveAPIListener
BannerAdView bannerAdView = new BannerAdView(context, APP_ID, AdSize, this)    

Your APP_ID will be provided to you during the Verve onboarding process.

Loading & Showing A Banner Ad

To request a banner ad call, the load method below:

\\ zone is the identifier used to request a banner ad
bannerAdView.loadBannerAd(zone)//If you havent recieved a zone, you can pass an empty string or null

If the bannerAdView successfully loads an ad it will display itself in the view. The bannerAdView will also inform onAdReady() callback that ad is ready to displayed.


The class that implements IVerveAPIListener will recieve callbacks based on what event occured for an ad.

    // Called when an ad is successfully loaded, and ready to be shown
    public void onAdReady(String target) {

    // Called when an ad fails to load or show
    public void onAdFailed(String target) {
    // Called when an ad is going to be shown
    public void onAdShown(String target) {
    // Called when a user clicks on a clickable portion of the ad view
    public void onAdClicked(String target) {
    // Called when an ad view is closed
    public void onAdClosed(String target) {

    // Called when a user has earned a reward for completing a Rewarded Video view
    public void onAdRewarded(String target) {


Copy the following to your Proguard following:

-keep class com.verve.** { *; }
-dontwarn com.verve.**