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Pieter edited this page Jun 14, 2023 · 5 revisions

🥽 Skript Fishing 🥽 [1.16 - 1.19]

This skript allows you to catch custom fish and create custom fishing rod enchantments. It includes a custom currency, custom enchantments and changeable sound/message system. Place the skript inside your /scripts folder, /sk reload fishing and the folder /plugins/CustomFishing with messages.yml, config.yml and an userdata folder should be generated automatically! Regen the default files by removing the old ones.

Please message Pieter#8471 on discord for support or join my discord

Do not distribute the skript without permission! Thanks in advance :)

1. Features

  • YAML configuration
  • Create your own generators
  • Create your own wands
  • Premade locker with 7 enchants
  • Gen prestiging
  • Locker Upgrades
  • Plugin like configuration: Configure everything from /plugins/Gencore folder!

2. Dependencies

  • Skript v2.6.4
  • Skript-gui vLatest
  • Skript-yaml 2nd latest
  • SkBee vLatest
  • Skript-reflect vLatest
  • Luckperms: vLatest (Enable unsafe lookup in config.yml)
  • PlotSquared: v2.6 (Set command cooldown to 0 in settings.yml)

3. Support

Join the discord for resource support.

4. Buy me a coffee


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