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AWS service search utilities.

API Documentation


dehydratePageKeys(entityManager, entityToken, indexTokens, shardKeyTokens, pageKeys, [logger])string

Dehydrate a shard-keyed map of page keys into a compressed string. Supports multiple paged queries on different indexes. In this case, present indexTokens, shardKeyTokens, and pageKeys as arrays of the same length. If all pageKeys entries are empty objects, returns an empty string.

rehydratePageKeys(entityManager, entityToken, indexToken, shardKeyToken, pageKeys, [logger])string

Rehydrate a single shardKeyToken's shard-keyed map of page keys from a dehydrated map, possibly representing multiple shardKeyTokens.


Add filter condition to DynamoDB query objects.


Add exists filter condition to DynamoDB query objects.


Add range filter condition to DynamoDB query objects.


Get a shard query function for use with Entity Manager query function.

getSortKeyCondition(options)string | undefined

Get a sort key condition for a DynamoDB query & update query objects.

getSortKeyConditionRange(options)string | undefined

Get a range sort key condition for a DynamoDB query & update query objects.

parseBooleanQueryParam(param, token)boolean | undefined

Parse a string query parameter into a boolean value.

parseDelimitedQueryParam(param, token, [enumeration], [delimiter])Array.<string>

Parse a delimited string query parameter into an array, optionally against an enumeration.

parseNumberQueryParam(param, token)number | undefined

Parse a string query parameter into a number value.

parseWholeNumberQueryParam(param, token)number | undefined

Parse a string query parameter into a whole number value. 'all' returns Infinity.

dehydratePageKeys(entityManager, entityToken, indexTokens, shardKeyTokens, pageKeys, [logger]) ⇒ string

Dehydrate a shard-keyed map of page keys into a compressed string. Supports multiple paged queries on different indexes. In this case, present indexTokens, shardKeyTokens, and pageKeys as arrays of the same length. If all pageKeys entries are empty objects, returns an empty string.

Kind: global function
Returns: string - Dehydrated page keys.

Param Type Description
entityManager EntityManager EntityManager instance.
entityToken string Entity token.
indexTokens Array.<string> Index token or array of key tokens. May be an array of same, of the same length as pageKeys.
shardKeyTokens string | Array.<string> Shard key token. May be an array of same, of the same length as pageKeys.
pageKeys object | Array.<object> Rehydrated page keys. May be an array of same.
[logger] object Logger (defaults to console).

rehydratePageKeys(entityManager, entityToken, indexToken, shardKeyToken, pageKeys, [logger]) ⇒ string

Rehydrate a single shardKeyToken's shard-keyed map of page keys from a dehydrated map, possibly representing multiple shardKeyTokens.

Kind: global function
Returns: string - Rehydrated page keys.

Param Type Description
entityManager EntityManager EntityManager instance.
entityToken string Entity token.
indexToken string Index token or array of key tokens.
shardKeyToken string Shard key token.
pageKeys object Dehydrated page keys.
[logger] object Logger (defaults to console).

addFilterCondition(options) ⇒ undefined

Add filter condition to DynamoDB query objects.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
options object config object
options.attributeName string The name of the attribute to filter on.
options.attributeValue string The beginning value of the attribute to filter on.
options.expressionAttributeNames object The expression attribute names object to add the attribute name to.
options.expressionAttributeValues object The expression attribute values object to add the attribute value to.
options.filterConditions Array.<string> The filter conditions array to add the filter condition to.
[options.negate] boolean Whether to negate the filter condition.
options.operator string The operator to use for the filter condition.

addFilterConditionExists(options) ⇒ undefined

Add exists filter condition to DynamoDB query objects.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
options object config object
options.attributeName string | Array.<string> The name of the attribute to filter on.
[options.exists] boolean | Array.<boolean> The value indicating whether the attribute should exist or not.
options.expressionAttributeNames object The expression attribute names object to add the attribute name to.
options.filterConditions Array.<string> The filter conditions array to add the filter condition to.
[options.operator] 'AND' | 'OR' The operator to use for the filter condition.

addFilterConditionRange(options) ⇒ undefined

Add range filter condition to DynamoDB query objects.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
options object config object
options.attributeName string The name of the attribute to filter on.
[options.attributeValueFrom] string The beginning value of the attribute to filter on.
[options.attributeValueTo] string The ending value of the attribute to filter on.
options.expressionAttributeNames object The expression attribute names object to add the attribute name to.
options.expressionAttributeValues object The expression attribute values object to add the attribute value to.
options.filterConditions Array.<string> The filter conditions array to add the filter condition to.
[options.negate] boolean Whether to negate the filter condition.

getShardQuery(options) ⇒ function

Get a shard query function for use with Entity Manager query function.

Kind: global function
Returns: function - The shard query function.

Param Type Description
options object config object
options.dbClient WrappedDynamoDbClient The Wrapped DynamoDB client.
[options.expressionAttributeNames] object The expression attribute names object.
[options.expressionAttributeValues] object The expression attribute values object.
[options.filterConditions] Array.<string> The filter conditions array.
[options.indexName] string The name of the index to query.
options.partitionKeyName string The name of the partition key.
[options.scanIndexForward] boolean Whether to scan the index forward.
[options.sortKeyCondition] string The sort key condition.

getSortKeyCondition(options) ⇒ string | undefined

Get a sort key condition for a DynamoDB query & update query objects.

Kind: global function
Returns: string | undefined - The sort key condition.

Param Type Description
options object config object
options.entityManager EntityManager The entity manager.
options.entityToken string The entity token.
options.expressionAttributeNames object The expression attribute names object to add the attribute name to.
options.expressionAttributeValues object The expression attribute values object to add the attribute value to.
options.item object An item containing enough data to generate the partial sort key.
options.operator string The sort key operator.
options.sortKeyName string The name of the sort key.

getSortKeyConditionRange(options) ⇒ string | undefined

Get a range sort key condition for a DynamoDB query & update query objects.

Kind: global function
Returns: string | undefined - The sort key condition.

Param Type Description
options object config object
options.entityManager EntityManager The entity manager.
options.entityToken string The entity token.
options.expressionAttributeNames object The expression attribute names object to add the attribute name to.
options.expressionAttributeValues object The expression attribute values object to add the attribute value to.
options.itemFrom object An item containing enough data to generate the 'from' sort key.
options.itemTo object An item containing enough data to generate the 'to' sort key.
options.sortKeyName string The name of the sort key.

parseBooleanQueryParam(param, token) ⇒ boolean | undefined

Parse a string query parameter into a boolean value.

Kind: global function
Returns: boolean | undefined - The parsed boolean value.

Param Type Description
param string The query parameter to parse.
token string The name of the query parameter.

parseDelimitedQueryParam(param, token, [enumeration], [delimiter]) ⇒ Array.<string>

Parse a delimited string query parameter into an array, optionally against an enumeration.

Kind: global function
Returns: Array.<string> - The parsed string array.

Param Type Description
param string The query parameter to parse.
token string The name of the query parameter.
[enumeration] object The enumeration to parse against.
[delimiter] string The delimiter to split the string on.

parseNumberQueryParam(param, token) ⇒ number | undefined

Parse a string query parameter into a number value.

Kind: global function
Returns: number | undefined - The parsed number value.

Param Type Description
param string The query parameter to parse.
token string The name of the query parameter.

parseWholeNumberQueryParam(param, token) ⇒ number | undefined

Parse a string query parameter into a whole number value. 'all' returns Infinity.

Kind: global function
Returns: number | undefined - The parsed whole number value.

Param Type Description
param string The query parameter to parse.
token string The name of the query parameter.

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