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Maven Rail Dashboard on Power BI

Dashboard Preview


Welcome to the Maven Rail Dashboard project on Power BI! This dashboard provides comprehensive insights into rail ticket sales, revenue analysis, on-time performance, and popular routes. It is designed to facilitate data-driven decision-making in the rail transportation sector.


  • Stacked Column Chart: Revenue Analysis by Ticket Types & Classes
  • Clustered Column Chart: On-Time Performance Analysis by Departure Station
  • Area Chart: Total Tickets Sold by Purchase Hour and Ticket Type
  • Pie Chart: On-time Percentage and Delayed Percentage
  • Table: Most Popular Routes
  • Narration: Detailed insights narrated within the dashboard provide valuable context for understanding the data.
  • Cards: Summary statistics including Total Tickets Sold, Total Revenue, Average Ticket Price, and Most Popular Arrival Destination.
  • Slicers: Interactive slicers enable users to filter data based on Date of Purchase, Departure Station, Arrival Destination, Ticket Type, Ticket Class, and Journey Status.

Getting Started

To explore the Maven Rail Dashboard:

  1. Clone or download the repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the PBIX file using Power BI Desktop.
  3. Connect the PBIX file to your desired data source or import the provided dataset.
  4. Navigate through the dashboard tabs to interact with the visualizations and slicers.
  5. Gain valuable insights into rail ticket sales and performance metrics.

Live Dashboard

You can also access the live dashboard hosted on Power BI Service here.


If you find this project helpful or have any feedback, please consider supporting it by liking and commenting on the Maven Analytics platform here.


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