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Projects Stages

Charles Greene edited this page Jun 9, 2017 · 1 revision

Projects and Stages

The configuration for this gem allows you to define any number of projects and any number of stages for each project. It is intended that each app be defined as a project and then the stages for that project would allow you to define production/staging/etc. stages.

There are two different ways that stages can be defined. You can use a script to define your stage. This gives you the greatest amount of freedom allowing you to setup your stage anyway you want. The other option is to use git staging. To do this you must have one branch for eash stage.

The project used in many of the examples in this wiki is a smart default. If you are in a project directory then it will use that project. If you are not then it will use the defualt that you have defined in your config. You can define what project you want the command to be run on using the --project option:

$ roku -lw --project project1


$ roku -lw -P project1
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