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Vianpyro edited this page Feb 18, 2021 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Minecraft Datapacks Generator (WMCPY) wiki!

What is WMCPY?

WMCPY is a Python library made by Vianpyro with the collaboration of theskyblockman. It stands for V. Vianpyro Minecraft with Python.

What is its purpose?

The purpose of WMCPY is to help all Minecraft creators to make their datapack more easily.

How does it work?

Once installed and imported into a Python script, WMCPY will add several features such as Raycast, Random and tellraw functions, which can sometimes be annoying to write. allowing the user to see the whole architecture of his datapack, while remaining readable. A useful feature coming from programming in another language than mcfunction is that one can simply change one variable to modify various commands at once.


  • First of all make sure you have Python 3.9.0 or above installed on your computer.
  • Download and run the installation wizard.

If this doesn't work, try to do it manually:

  • Download this repository in the "Lib" folder of the last installed version of Python:

Linux & MacOS: /usr/lib/python3.9. (You can use the following command to open this folder: xdg-open /usr/lib/python3.9)

Windows: C:/Users/USERNAME/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/Lib.

How to use?

  • Create a new empty Python file.
  • Import the library in your new Python file like this:
from minecraft_datapacks_generator import *
  • Create and compile your own datapack.
  • Once the datapack is generated, make sure it is in the datapacks folder of your Minecraft world.
  • Type /reload to load the datapack.
  • Have fun playing with your brand new datapack!