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School project for Lycée Pasteur's CVL candidate elections.


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Elections CVL Lycée Pasteur

This project was a voting system webpage for my school. The idea was to make a voting website, where people would be able to vote on the candidates for the student council (Conseil de Vie Licéene in french --> CVL)... In summary, the system worked with the verification of students registration I.D. given by the school for each one of them, that were both unique and private. The next step was to chose the candidate and finaly finish the voting.

The full app, contains a: fontEnd service with the main voting interface and listing and three other APIs for voting, authorization/authentication and administration (candidates/voting campain/user/admini creation and management). The system isn't live anymore, but it is supposed to run on microservices achitecture (e.g.: using Kubernetes + Docker) and using MongoDB database

This branch only contains front_end code

Installation (master branch: front_end)

First, let's download the project

Must have: Node.Js installed

With git clone the repository (or download and extract the zip file)
git clone
cd ElectionsCVL2020
_In case you downloaded and extracted the Zip file_

```cd [download repository path]/ElectionsCVL2020```

Then use NPM package manager to download dependencies and run the project...
npm install

For development run...

gatsby develop

...Or for production run

gatsby build
gatsby serve
Now you should be able to access the project on your brwoser...

...Just access Localhost 8000 if in dev mode or Localhost 9000 in prod mode.

Technologies used

  • Gatby.js React based framework for static page generation, version 2.19.7
  • Express.js Node.js Web server framework, version 4.17.1
  • React Javascrip library to generate user interfaces, version 16.12.0
  • Redux Javascript state management library, version 4.0.5
  • JsonWebToken, version 8.5.1