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Quantum-proof, 768-bit signatures for 1-bit messages

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Quantum-proof, 768-bit signatures for 1-bit messages


Hash-based signature schemes have received recent attention for being quantum-proof. Unfortunatelly, most existing schemes have keys too big to be practical. I'll describe a (retrospectively obvious) modification of Lamport's scheme that features 256-bit public keys, 768-bit signatures, and fast (almost instant) signing and verification time. It is stateful for both the signer and verifier, but you can't leak your private key by reuse. It is also very simple: this implementation is around 100 lines of code. It has one huge caveat, though: it can only sign 1-bit messages. This may sound useless, but it can actually be very efficient in a blockchain context with optimized payloads.

Consider, for example, a decentralized currency. If we optimize the payload by 1. storing a list of 16 favorite contacts (say, stores) and products (up to 16), then we could make a payment with as few as 8 "useful bits". This results in a 768-byte transaction, which is just 2x the average Bitcoin transaction size, or 9% of the size of a Lamport signature. In a way, it can be seen as a streamed version of Lamport's scheme, optimized to sign very, very small messages.

Another potential application would a DApp which demanded many small transactions per second. You can encode the current state of a NES controller with just 8 bits, so, LSign could allow you to implement an hypothetical decentralized game with just 768 bytes, and signature and verification times 1000x faster than ECDSA.

In short, the main insight is that LSign doesn't sign the hash of the message. Instead, it signs the message directly, and is, thus, very efficient for niche applications where the message is really small (say, 1-16 bits). As the message grows, so does the signature size, reaching parity with Lamport signatures on payloads larger than 86 bits.


Install with npm i qsign and import with require("qsign").

// Generates a random 256-bit private key (TODO: use crypto random)

// Generates a 256-bit public key from private key (this is slow);

// Signs the nth message as `bit` (average 768-bit signature)
qsign.sgn(pvt, nth, bit);

// Returns the bit signed, if signature is valid
qsign.chk(pub, sign);

How it works?

The idea is stupidly simple: the signer generates a merkle tree of 2^24 random 256-bit elements. The merkle root is his/her public key. To "sign" the nth bit, he/she broadcasts the merkle proof the element of index 2n + bit. The verifier then checks if the proof holds. If so, then it knows the floor(n/2)th bit signed is n mod 2. In other words, to sign a bit, you simply reveal a number of your random set. If its index is even, you signed 1; otherwise, you signed 0. That's all.

For example, suppose you want to send signed messages to a verifier. First, you generate a set of 2^24 random 256-bit numbers (ex: set : Array(2**24) = [56812, 13069, 160899, 10505...]). Then, you compute the merkle root of this set: that is you public key. Then, to sign the bits = [10110001] message, you send the merkle proofs of set[2*n+bit[n]], that is, set[0+1], set[2+0], set[4+1], set[6+1], set[8+0], set[10+0], set[12+0], set[14+1]. The verifier checks if they are correct. If so, that means you signed the bits[n] bits, i.e., 10110001.

This scheme has a limit of 2^24 messages. You could increase it as much as needed, but the time to generate an address (which requires building set of 2^N numbers and compute its merkle root) would rise proportionally.

Why are signatures small?

There are 3 reasons. The first one is that we can sign messages smaller than 256 bits. The reason Lamport signatures are big is that you need to sign all the 256 bits of the message's hash. That requires a lot of hashes. But in blockchains, sometimes transactions can have much less than 256 bits of "useful information". For example, some Ethereum transactions just call a contract function with no arguments.

The second one is that, since the verifier is stateful, it can store our merkle tree. This allows us to avoid sending branches that are already known. This is a huge optimization. If we sent the entire merkle path for every bit we signed, we'd need 24 hashes, or 768 bytes, per signed bit. If we memoize past merkle proofs, the first bit signed still needs 24 hashes, but the second one only needs 1, averaging 768 bits of signature per bit signed.

The third is that both the payload and the sender address are recoverable from the signature, so you don't need to send them separately.


This algorithm is so simple that I won't claim I've invented it. In fact, it is probably so obvious that I'm embarrassed by creating a repository for it. But I've never seen it described before, and it can definitely be useful, if not optimal, for some applications, so I thought I could write about it anyway. If this is widely known, just let me know so I'll just rename the repository.


Quantum-proof, 768-bit signatures for 1-bit messages






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