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Multiplication with optimal β-reduction

In this repository, I'll present an elegant multiplication algorithm that performs counter-intuitively well. The algorithm consists of mere 40 lines of code in Formality, a new proof language featuring optimal beta-reduction. It works by exploiting an effect I call "runtime fusion", which allows you to compute n repeated function calls in O(log(n)) time by using compact, Church-Encoded natural numbers to self-compose suitable functions. By applying this technique to the binary inc function, we get an efficient add "for free", allowing us to implement an elegant mul that would have exponential complexity in any other language, but is quadratic in Formality.


This charts the memory (in bytes), work (rewrites) and time it took the algorithm to multiply two random numbers in function of the bit-length of each number. Note it is not fast compared to state-of-art techniques, but it highlights how clean algorithms that look impractical can be reasonable on optimal evaluators. Keeping these techniques in mind may allow a Formality programmer not to dismiss elegant ideas that are more efficient than they seem.

Note that Formality's non-optimal back-ends (like JavaScript) are still much faster in practice (and feature actual BigInts, so there is no need to implement multiplication that way). But by building on these techniques, and by improving the optimal runtime, it could be a viable alternative in a future. To learn more about that, check "Solving the mystery behind Abstract Algorithm’s magical optimizations".


To test the algorithm, run npm i on this dir, then node with_formality. This will test the addition of numbers of increasing size. You can edit the script as desired.

The algorithm

The algorithm is simple and elegant. The full code is on

1. Representing binary numbers with algebraic datatypes

First, we need a way to represent numbers. We do it with bit-strings, using an algebraic datatype. In Haskell, we would write:

data Bits
  = Bn
  | B0 Bits
  | B1 Bits

In Formality, we write instead:

T Bits
| bn;
| b0(pred: Bits);
| b1(pred: Bits);

We let the leftmost bit to be the least significant, so, for example, b0(b0(b1(bn))) represents the number 4.

2. A fusible increment function

Then, we create a function that increments a bitstring. In Haskell, it'd be:

inc : Bits -> Bits
inc Bn        = Bn
inc (B0 pred) = B1 pred
inc (B1 pred) = B0 (inc pred)

For example, inc(110001) == 001001. In Formality, we could write it as:

inc(bs: Bits): Bits
  case bs:
  | bn => bn;
  | b0 => b1(bs.pred);
  | b1 => b0(inc(bs.pred));

But, since Formality datatypes are lambda encoded, we can lift the lambdas and write, intead:

inc(bs: Bits): Bits
  <P> (bn, b0, b1)
  case bs:
  | bn => bn;
  | b0 => b1(bs.pred);
  | b1 => b0(inc(bs.pred));
  : P(inc(bs.self));

This innocent optimization is essential for the algorithm, as it allows the "headers" of the bn, b1 and b0 constructors to be "shared". This, in turn, causes the composition of inc . inc not to grow in size, allowing it to fuse and, thus, be called n times in O(log(n)) time via compact Church Nats.

3. Fueling fusion with compact Church Nats

A Church Nat is a λ-term in the form λs.λz.(s(s...(s(s(z))))) A compact Church Nat is one that "compresses" its own body by chaining "let" expressions. For example, the term below, called c255:

c255 = λs. λz.
  let p0 = s
  let p1 = λx. (p0 (p0 x))
  let p2 = λx. (p1 (p1 x))
  let p3 = λx. (p2 (p2 x))
  let p4 = λx. (p3 (p3 x))
  let p5 = λx. (p4 (p4 x))
  let p6 = λx. (p5 (p5 x))
  let p7 = λx. (p6 (p6 x))
  (p0 (p1 (p2 (p3 (p4 (p5 (p6 (p7 z))))))))

Is equivalent to λs.λz.(s(s(s(s...255-times...z)))), but in a much shorter form. In an optimal evaluator, we can use c255 to apply inc n times to a bit-string in O(log(n)) time. For example, id(c4294967296(inc, b0(b0(b0(b0(b0( would apply inc about 4 billion times, yet it would halt in much less than 4 billion steps. To convert a Bits to a compact Church Nat, we just write a repeat function that applies f repeatedly to x:

// Applies a function n times repeatedly to an argument
repeat(bs: Bits)<P: Type>(s: P -> P, z: P): P
  case bs:
  with s:_ = s;
  with z:_ = z;
  | bn => z;
  | b0 => repeat(bs.pred)<P>((x) s(s(x)), z);
  | b1 => repeat(bs.pred)<P>((x) s(s(x)), s(z));

4. Layering fused increments to perform multiplications

The final step of the algorithm is to convert the first number, a, to a compact Church Nat, and use it to build add(a,b) as a function that applies inc a times. Then we just recurse through b, replacing each occurrence of b1(...) by add(a,(b0(...))). This results in c = Σ(a * 2^i) for each set bit i on b, which is a * b. For example, with a = 6 and b = 37, we'd get:

c = add(6,b0(b0(add(6,b0(b0(b0(add(6,b0(be)))))))))

Which is the same as 6 + 6*2^2 + 6*2^5, which is 222 (6 * 37).

// Adds two Bits by using repeated incs
add(a: Bits, b: Bits): Bits
  repeat(a)<Bits>(inc, b)

// Multiplies two bit strings
mul(a: Bits, b: Bits): Bits
  id(mul.go(add(a), b))

// Helper function
mul.go(f: Bits -> Bits, bs: Bits): Bits
  case bs:
  with go:_ = mul.go;
  | bn => bn;
  | b0 => b0(go(f, bs.pred));
  | b1 => f(b0(go(f, bs.pred)));


The catch is that, if we implemented this algorithm in any non-optimal functional language, it would be exponential, since we're performing 2^n calls to inc (with n being the bit-size of a). The fusion technique allowed us to turn inc into an efficient add by mere repetition, without ever having to reason about carry bits, and without losing any efficiency, which is what makes it interesting.

The file can be type-checked with fm, and you can run it with fmopt test (edit the test term as suited). It will print the result as a λ-term. There is a pretty-printer on the with_formality.js file.


Multiplication on optimal λ-calculus reducers







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