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File metadata and controls

91 lines (91 loc) · 3.51 KB


create table manager(enumber number(2),ename char(15),salary number(5),commission number(4),annualsalary number(7),Hiredate date,designation char(10),deptno number(2),reporting char(10));


insert into manager values(7369,'Dharsan',2500,500,30000,'30-June-81','clerk',10,'John');
insert into manager values(7839,'Subu',3000,400,36000,'1-Jul-82','manager',null,'James');
insert into manager values(7934,'Aadhi',3500,300,42000,'1-May-82','manager',30,NULL);
insert into manager values(7788,'Vikash',4000,0,48000,'12-Aug-82','clerk',50,'Bond');

Q1) Update all the records of manager table by increasing 10% of their salary as bonus.

UPDATE manager set salary = salary+salary/10;

Q2) Delete the records from manager table where the salary less than 2750.

DELETE FROM manager WHERE salary < 2750;

Q3) Display each name of the employee as “Name” and annual salary as “Annual Salary” (Note: Salary in emp table is the monthly salary)

SELECT ename as "Name",salary*12 as annualsalary from manager;

Q4) List concatenated value of name and designation of each employee.

SELECT ename || ' ' || designation as concat FROM manager;

Q5) List the names of Clerks from emp table.

select ename from manager where designation = 'clerk';

Q6) List the Details of Employees who have joined before 30 Sept 81.

select * from manager where Hiredate < '30-sep-81';

Q7) List names of employees who’s employee numbers are 7369,7839,7934,7788.

select enumber from manager where enumber in (7369,7521,7839,7934,7788);

Q8) List the names of employee who are not Managers.

select ename from manager where designation != 'manager';

Q9) List the names of employees not belonging to dept no 30,40 & 10

select ename from manager where deptno != 30 and deptno != 40 and deptno != 10 ; 

Q10) List names of those employees joined between 30 June 81 and 31 Dec 81.

select ename from manager where Hiredate between '30-Jun-81' and '31-Dec-81';

Q11) List different designations in the company.

select distinct designation from manager;

Q12) List the names of employees not eligible for commission.

select ename from manager where commission =0;

Q13) List names and designations of employee who does not report to anybody

select ename,designation from manager where reporting is NULL;

Q14) List all employees not assigned to any department.

select ename from manager where deptno is NULL;

Q15) List names of employee who are eligible for commission.

select ename from manager where commission > 0;

Q16) List employees whose name either start or end with ‘s’.

select ename from manager where ename like 'S%' or ename like '%S';

Q17) List names of employees whose names have ‘i’ as the second character.

select ename from manager where ename like '_i%';

Q18) Sort emp table in ascending order by hire-date and list ename, job, deptno and hire-date.

select Hiredate,ename,designation,deptno from manager order by Hiredate;

Q19) Sort emp table in descending order by annual salary and list empno, ename, job and annual-salary.

select enumber,ename,designation,annualsalary from manager order by annualsalary desc;

Q20) List ename, deptno and sal after sorting emp table in ascending order by deptno and then descending order by sal.

select ename,deptno,salary from manager order by deptno, salary desc;