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Kubernetes Documentation: and their subdomains and their subdomains

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  • run time_left on work pc to check time
  • run check_result on work pc to check result


1 find a pod in dev-1 namespace with labels team=finance and maximum memory usage . Add label usage=max to it
Task weight 4%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - pod from dev-1 NS
- with label team=finance
- has max memory usage
- has label usage=max

2 Deploy a util pod using the busybox:1.36 image in the dev namespace. Use sleep 3600 command to keep it running.
Task weight 1%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - Pod Name: util
- Namespace: dev
- Image: busybox:1.36
- Commands: sleep 3600

3 Create a namespace named team-elephant
Task weight 1%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - Namespace: team-elephant
Namespace is present in the namespaces list.

4 Create pod alpine with image alpine:3.15 and and command sleep 6000 . Make sure the pod is running on node with label disk=ssd.
Task weight 2%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - Pod is running on the node with label disk=ssd.

5 Create deployment web-app with image viktoruj/ping_pong:latest and 2 replicas. Container port should be configured on port 8080 and named http-web.
Task weight 2%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - Deployment name: web-app
- Image: viktoruj/ping_pong:latest
- Replicas: 2
Deployment pods are running, containers' ports 8080 named http-web.

6 Create a service web-app-svc in namespace dev-2 to expose the web-app deployment on port 8080 on cluster nodes.
Task weight 3%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - Use imperative commands to create mainifest.
- namespace dev-2
- Service: web-app-svc
- Port: 8080
- Type: NodePort
- Use the right labels to select targer port.

7 Create a pod web-srv based on image viktoruj/ping_pong:latest in the default namespace. The container in the pod should named app1.
Task weight 1%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - Pod name: web-srv
- Image: viktoruj/ping_pong:latest
- Container name: app1

8 2 pods are running in the namespace db-redis named redis-node-xxxx. You need to scale down number of replicas to 1.
Task weight 1%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - Name: redis-node-xxxx
- Number of pods running: 1
- Nuber of pods is scaled down to 1.

9 Write cli commands with shows pods from dev-2 namespace in json format . script is located /var/work/artifact/
Task weight 1%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - script shows pods from dev-2 namespace in json format
- script is located /var/work/artifact/

10 Create a Persistent Volume with the given specification. Run pod with pv.
Task weight 8%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - Volume name: pv-analytics
- pvc name: pvc-analytics
- Storage: 100Mi
- Access mode: ReadWriteOnce
- Host path: /pv/analytics

- pod name: analytics
- image: busybox
- node: nodeSelector
- node_name: node_2
- command: "sleep 60000"
- mountPath: /pv/analytics

11 Update Kubernetes cluster.
Task weight 7%
Cluster cluster2 (kubectl config use-context cluster2-admin@cluster2)
Acceptance criteria - The cluster is running Kubernetes 1.28.0, update it to 1.28.4 .
- Use apt package manager and kubeadm for this.
- Use ssh to connect to the instances.

12 Create new ingress resource to the service. Make it available at the path /cat
Task weight 4%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - NameSpace: cat
- service: cat
- Annotation: /
- path: /cat
- check curl cka.local:30102/cat

13 In the Namespace team-elephant create a new ServiceAccount pod-sa. Assing an account permissions to list and get pods using Role pod-sa-role and RoleBinding pod-sa-roleBinding
Task weight 8%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - Namespace team-elephant
- ServiceAccount pod-sa
- Role pod-sa-role : resource pods , verb : list and get
-RoleBinding pod-sa-roleBinding
- create pod pod-sa image = viktoruj/cks-lab, command = sleep 60000, ServiceAccount pod-sa

14 Create a DaemonSet named team-elephant-ds with the requested parameters
Task weight 5%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - DaemonSet: team-elephant-ds
- Namespace: team-elephant
- Image: viktoruj/ping_pong
- Labels: team=team-elephant, env=dev
- requests CPU: 50m
- requests Memory: 50Mi
- Pods are running on all nodes, including control plane.

15 You have a legacy app in a legacy namespace . The application contains 2 containers . The first container writes log files to /log/logs1.txt . The second container /log/logs2.txt . you need to add another container log that will collect logs from these containers and send them to stdout .
Task weight 6%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - volule : name logs , type emptyDir , sizeLimit 500Mi :
- Containers app1,app2 , log have /log to /log
- log container : name log, Image: viktoruj/cks-lab, command tail -f -n 100 /log/logs1.txt -f /log/logs2.txt
- check logs from app1 container : k exec checker -n legacy -- sh -c 'curl legacy-app:8081/test_app1' ; k logs -l app=legacy-app -n legacy -c log
- check logs from app2 container : k exec checker -n legacy -- sh -c 'curl legacy-app:8082/test_app2' ; k logs -l app=legacy-app -n legacy -c log

16 Write cli commands with shows the latest events in the whole cluster, ordered by creation time metadata.creationTimestamp.
Task weight 2%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - Events ordered by creation time
- script is located /var/work/artifact/

17 Write cli commands with show names of all namespaced api resources in Kubernetes cluster
Task weight 1%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - show names of all namespaced api resources
- script is located /var/work/artifact/

18 cluster3 seems to have an issue - one of node is not joined. It also might be outdated, so make sure it is running same Kubernetes version as control plane. You should fix the issue.
Task weight 4%
Cluster cluster3 (kubectl config use-context cluster3-admin@cluster3)
Acceptance criteria - k8s3_node_node_2 is running the same Kubernetes version as control plane, rejoined to the cluster and is in Ready status.

19 Create static pod stat-pod in the default namespace. Expose it via service stat-pod-svc.
Task weight 4%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - Pod name: stat-podv
- Image: viktoruj/ping_pong:latest
- requests CPU: 100m
- requests Memory: 128Mi
- app port 8080
- Service name: stat-pod-svc
- Service type: NodePort
- NodePort: 30084
- Pod is accessible from control plane node.

20 Backup etcd and save it on the control plane node at /var/work/tests/artifacts/20/etcd-backup.db . Restore etcd from /var/work/tests/artifacts/20/etcd-backup_old.db on control plane node .
Task weight 6%
Cluster cluster4 (kubectl config use-context cluster4-admin@cluster4)
Acceptance criteria - backup etcd to /var/work/tests/artifacts/20/etcd-backup.db
- restore etcd from /var/work/tests/artifacts/20/etcd-backup_old.db
- pods are ready in kube-system namespace

21 Network policy.
Task weight 6%
Cluster cluster5 (kubectl config use-context cluster5-admin@cluster5)
Acceptance criteria - create default deny ingress policy in prod-db NS
- create policy with allow connections from prod Namespaces to prod-db
- create policy with allow connections from stage Namespaces and have label: role=db-connect
- create policy with allow connections from any Namespaces and have label: role=db-external-connect