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3) Commandline

VinaStar edited this page Dec 10, 2020 · 3 revisions

Enable Commandline

To use the commandline you must enable it in the config.json

Available commands

  • help or ?
    Show the available commands and their description.

  • info
    Get server informations.

  • debug on/off
    Set the debug on or off temporally.

  • player idOrName
    Get information about a player.

  • players
    List all currently connected players.

  • queued
    List all currently queued players.

  • all
    List all currently connected & queued players.

  • drop idOrName "reason"
    Drop an online player.

  • forcedrop idOrName "reason"
    Drop an important online player.

  • ranks
    Print the current loaded ranks.

  • reloadranks
    Reload the ranks config file.

  • reloadlocale
    Reload the current locale language file.

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