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I am two people - one of them is a numerical scientist who spends most of his time writing code in Matlab to do data analysis. The other is a freelance Lisp programmer, where I do regular software engineering. I've long been a Lisp enthusiast, and I do a fair amount of Lisp programming in Emacs Lisp as part of my scientific work, since Emacs is my Matlab IDE, but I didn't start really programming in Lisp for "real things" until recently. As the number of hours dedicated to Lisp increased in my life, I began to really miss the features in Lisp that I didn't have in Matlab; in particular s-expression motion and editing and metaprogramming.

I can't abandon Matlab, however. Matlab's support for numerical programming is exceptional, true, but the real value is that its plotting system is rich, well integrated and customizable. Plus, I have 7+ years of Matlab utilities which it would take significant time to reproduce in another numerical analysis language, even if it was feature complete otherwise.

So I brought the mountain to Muhammad.


Parenlab is a Lisp which compiles to Matlab by way of Emacs Lisp. What this means is that the syntax is Emacs Lisp and the Semantics is Matlab. Metaprogramming is possible via macros which transform the elisp representation of Matlab code before the code is translated to Matlab. Because I use Emacs as my Matlab IDE, this is a reasonable solution - just use the Emacs Lisp interpreter as the macro language. One day, Parenlab may be self-hosting.


The parenlab code:

(let* ((x (range 0 (* 2 pi) 100))
       (y (sin x)))
 (plot x y :color "g"))

Is converted to:

    @(x)funcall(@(y)plot(x, y, 'color', 'g'), sin(x)),...
     range(0, mtimes(2, pi), 100))


(defun (a b c) some-function (a b c)
   (setq a (++ a b c))
   (setq b (++ a b c))
   (setq c (++ a b c)))

Is converted to a file, called someFunction.m which contains:

function [a,b,c] = someFunction(a,b,c)
a = plusplus(a, b, c);
b = plusplus(a, b, c);
c = plusplus(a, b, c);

defuns can be sprinkled throughout your script files - they will be transcoded as they are encountered and produce no output in the currently building function. One can also say:

(script some-script-name 

Which indicates the code beneath should be transcoded to a script file rather than "in place."

Parenlab is still a work in progress, but it is rapidly approaching the point where any functionality you wish can be expressed in Parenlab.

Notes on Usage


Parenlab, like Parenscript, tries to make life easy by letting you write lisp-style identifiers. In doing so, it mangles names during translation. Eg, a parenlab symbol:


Will be rendered as:


eg, dashes followed by letters are converted to camel case. Other "special" characters are transcoded according to the following table:

("+" "plus")
("-" "minus")
("*" "mtimes")
("<" "lessThan")
(">" "greaterThan")
("$" "cash")
("=" "equal")
("!" "bang")
("?" "who")
(":" ":")
("/" "divide")
("\\" "mdivide")
("#" "hash")
("@" "at"))

These choices are made to improve transcoding, so that many operators don't need special cases. Eg (* 10 10) translates to mtimes(10,10) - conveniently using Matlab's built in mtimes function, which is equivalent to Matlab's * operator.

One wrinkle is that : is reserved to preserve simple matrix construction expressions. For instance,


transcodes to


This syntax is limited by how the lisp reader reads symbols. For complex generation expressions, use the (: ) macro. Eg:

(: start step stop)

Keywords, that is symbols starting with :, are transcoded to mangled strings, so that :a-keyword becomes 'aKeyword'.

Since many matlab functions use strings as keyword arguments, this lets you use keywords for them instead.

nil transcodes to []. There are no true and false values in Matlab.

Scope and Variables

Scope in Matlab is funny - only limited lambdas are allowed in scripts and functions, although nested functions with full definitions and full lexical scope behavior are allowed within functions (though not anonymously).

Sort of like in Python, lambdas are restricted to single-expression-only bodies. While they do form closures over their lexical environment, those closures are static, that is, they do not permit side effects of any kind.

That is,

(setq y 10)
(setq f 
 (lambda (x) 
   (setq y x)))

Will compile fine in Parenlab, but produce an error, because the inner setq is not an expression, but a statement, which isn't allowed. Parenlab does provide a progn form, so you might try:

(setq y 10)
(setq f 
 (lambda (x) 
   (progn (setq y 10)

This will generate Matlab code which uses eval to produce code which expresses this intent, but you'll still get an error, saying that the lambda tries to modify its static environment, which is not allowed. let and let* are implemented using lambda, so they create static lexical environments. It is conceivable that major cross compilation tricks could be used to simulate dynamic scopes, but I'd prefer to keep things simple.

You shouldn't be using side effects anyway.

The rule of thumb is write Matlab code with s-expressions, not Lisp code that calls Matlab functions. Parenlab tries to bridge the gap but in some ways Matlab is too limited.

If Statements

If in Matlab is "flat", in that each branch is a series of statements or expressions and the if statement itself doesn't return a value. Parenlab if statements are not flat - they return the value of whatever branch is evaluated.

This rule is sometimes inconveneint for the Matlab idiom, so it can be disabled if the branches are blocks. A statement of the form:

(if condition 

Transcodes to:

 if condition 
    some code
    some other code

Ordinarily, if expands to

fif(@()condition, @()true-code, @()false-code)

Here we use the trick of using lambda to delay evaluation. This if expansion cannot perform side effects, unfortunately. Use (block) legs if you want regular matlab semantics. Both legs must be blocks.

Cell Arrays

Indexing is identical function calls, syntactically, so the index expression:


Is written as

(x 1:10)

In parenlab. Matlab also has cell array indexing, which looks like this:


Which is expressed like this in Parenlab:

({} x 1:10)

These are macros, not functions, and so the use of end as an identifier inside them is fine, eg:

({} x 1:end)

Will convert to:



Structure access can be written as since the parenlab mangler leaves dots in symbol names. Programmatic access, where a string is used, is written with ->, eg:

(-> s :field)

Which is equivalent to s.('field'). -> supports nested access, so you can say;

(-> s :f1 :f2 :f3)

Which is like this: s.('f1').('f2').('f3') which may not actually be valid Matlab syntax. Parenlab implements this as a function call.


In elisp, parenlab macros can be defined with pl:def-pl-macro. During transcoding, the form defmacro causes a new parenlab macro to be defined and generates no output. Parenlab macros have the same semantics as regular Macros. You get syntax passed to the macro as arguments, you transform it into valid parenlab, and you return the result.

For instance, a macro which introduces a lexical variable binding called with, like this:

(with x 10 (* 2 x)) ;-> 20

Is implemented like this:

(pl:def-pl-macro with (symbol value expression)
 `(funcall (lambda (,symbol) ,expression) ,value))

Or, inside some Parenlab code:

(defmacro with (symbol value expression)
 `(funcall (lambda (,symbol) ,expression) ,value))

Other Notes

Right now you use parenlab by invoking pl:transcode on an s-expression. This will transcode in the current buffer. pl:transcode-to-string will transcode to a string instead.

Parenlab requires matlab-mode so that it can indent its outputted code correctly.

I have a highly idiosyncratic Matlab setup, so I put some integration code in auxilliary.el. If you have a Matlab process running in a buffer called *evalshell*, then this code will let you load a parenlab file and press C-c C-c to "compile" and execute the code therein. This process will write any script and defun forms to files before executing the code. C-x C-e will evaluate the last s-expression as Matlab code in the interpreter.

Parenlab depends on Shadchen-el my pattern matching library.