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Hotkeys for specific files

Plugin for Obsidian

How to use

With this plugin, you can open specific files with a hotkey. You can set the files in the settings. A command will be generated for each file, then you can set your hotkey in the default hotkeys section in Obsidian.


Hover Editor Support

This plugin supports the Hover Editor plugin. If you have the Hover Editor plugin installed, you can open the file in the Hover Editor by using the provided command. Needs the setting to be enabled.


From Obsidian

  1. Open settings -> Community plugins
  2. Disable Restricted mode
  3. Click Browse community plugins
  4. Search for "Hotkeys for specific files"
  5. Install it
  6. Enable it under Installed plugins

From GitHub

  1. Download the latest release
  2. Move manifest.json and main.js to <vault>/.obsidian/plugins/obsidian-hotkeys-for-specific-files
  3. Reload Obsidian (Str + r)
  4. Go to settings and disable safe mode
  5. Enable Hotkeys for specific files

If you find this plugin useful and would like to support its development, you can support me on Ko-fi.
